Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can You Get High On Phenergan

This poisoning of nationalist organizations

boss 'political machine' of ETA, Aitor Elizarán, arrested on Monday along with fellow Ohiane San Vicente had a black suit with the coat of 'Udalbiltza' that militants of the band used to read their statements in public and broadcast their video messages. RTVE
The vehicle in which he was arrested by the ETA also Ohiana San Vicente, Elizarán carried a black dress with the coat of Udalbiltza embroidery, which is that used spokesmen for the band on their appearances public. Public
The vehicle in which he was arrested by the ETA also Ohiana San Vicente, Elizaran carried a black dress with the coat of Udalbiltza embroidery, which is that used spokesmen for the band in their public appearances.
The vehicle in which he was arrested by the ETA also Ohiana San Vicente, Elizaran carried a black dress with the coat of Udalbiltza embroidery, which is the spokesmen used the band in their public appearances.
The vehicle in which he was arrested by the ETA also Ohiana San Vicente, Elizaran carried a black dress with the coat of Udalbiltza embroidery, which is the spokesmen used the band in their public appearances.
The alleged leader of the "political machine" Aitor Elizarán ETA, arrested yesterday in France, was also the spokesman for the band that often appears in videos and photographs, moments for which kept one of the black outfits - with the coat of Udalbiltza- that ETA dress in those appearances. Telecinco
This has been ascertained to find one of the black outfits (with the coat of Udalbiltza) that ETA dress in these apparitions.

Just do a quick search on Google to see that virtually all the media say the Udalbiltza shield is embroidered on the garments of ETA. Regarding the origin of information, some media ( Courier, ABC the BE , Europa Press or The Country ) recognize that has been provided by "sources of counter-terrorism", a classic euphemism for the Ministry of Interior.

Udalbiltza But what? Udalbiltza is an organization of elected officials throughout Euskal Herria (the BAC, Navarra and the Basque Country French) arising from Lizarra Pact and later, once broken the relationship between the PNV and Batasuna, was divided into Two: Udalbide (linked to the PNV) and Udalbiltza-Kursaal (linked to the nationalist left.) The latter Garzón was outlawed in 2003 and since then continues to the judicial process will ultimately decide if Udalbiltza part of the "network" of ETA or not.

however, has no shield Udalbiltza own. Which appears in website and referred the media is that of Euskal Herria:


The Wikipedia tells us which was designed by a French Basque in the nineteenth century , and anyone who has been in Euskadi will have noticed how this shield appears in countless places, especially in the souvenir shops Basques. Is txapelas:


In tissues:


And even on t-shirts in support of Basque football team:


know for sure that the "sources of counter-terrorism" refers to the shield because it is precisely that appears in the garb of members of ETA when they appear in public:


The three masked the picture are embroidered on the left arm of the same suit coat shown hanging from the table, and chest are embroidered ETA's own flag that appears at the back of the room.

"We face a confusion of Interior? It is impossible that the "sources the fight against terrorism "unaware that the shield is to Udalbiltza Euskal Herria, as you know to a person like me who has only been in Euskadi once in their life. If anyone knows Basque enough to know what is Udalbiltza, please know that the shield used by this organization is not only a traditional Basque coat. It seems clear, therefore, that such information is intended to artificially link Udalbiltza with ETA, which is precisely the impression created in the reader.

But in view of all this come to mind several questions: How is it possible that no English media compare the information provided as I have done from the comfort of my home and that was only published as is? Is it possible that among all the editors of different media there is not one to be Basque or knows that the shield is Udalbiltza of Euskal Herria?

But mostly ... Now what's all this poisoning? Is one of many or is that it may soon leave the ruling finally on Udalbiltza and we need to prepare public opinion?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mount And Blade 1.003 Trainner


the trial began yesterday Fernando Garcia, the father of one of the girls killed Alcasser and criminologist Juan Ignacio Blanco. The prosecutor asked for them 16 years in prison for a crime of libel in the wake of widespread criticism both at the time made against the official investigation of the case and resulted in the conviction of Antonio Angles (yet fled) and Miguel Ricart (currently serving a sentence). Fernando Garcia has always maintained that Angles and Ricart are innocent, mere heads of Turkish conceal the real perpetrators, and that the trial was the sole purpose of closing the case culbabilidad forcing the two criminals.

The truth is that the girls' bodies were found hair and pubic hair belonging to seven different individuals , and none of them was Ricart and Angles. There are also grounds for believing that the family both receive money from the funds set aside, presumably to compensate them for having voluntarily and falsely charged with the stigma of the murder of three girls.

circulating in internet a curious letter allegedly written by a member of the intelligence of the State which offers an intriguing explanation of this case. According to that letter, the pressure of public opinion forced the murderers (whoever they are) give a tip to the Home Office to report the exact location of the bodies. Given the complete lack of clues to the identity of the murderers, and continued pressure suffered by the Government by a public that demanded results, the highest state authorities decided to re-bury near Alcàsser girls and make a montage using it to two common criminals collaborates with the Civil Guard.

In the final analysis, it is curious that the bodies appear just at the time that Fernando Garcia is in London (as indicated by Raymond Nakachi, related the CESID) and while the team from UCO Guard Civil investigating the case moved to Madrid to be relieved. On the other hand, the thesis of the letter explain why girls were buried several times for different forensic evidence.

respect to the true identity of the murderers, Fernando García said that a high specific personalities unofficially were being investigated for alleged membership in a Satanic cult and a network of video production snuff. Juan Ignacio Blanco himself said have envisioned a tape on which was the rape, torture and death of one of the girls at the hands of six men. The satanic cult theory also has strong evidence: the girls were abducted on Friday 13 and a cross appeared embedded caravaca in the spine of one of the bodies.

Fernando Garcia made such statements in the program "The Night We crossed the Mississippi" and was sentenced in court for it, but do not forget that the girl's disappearance Gloria Martínez Ruiz (17 years) on 30 October 1992, ie just two weeks before the three girls disappear Alcasser, occurred precisely at the clinic was one of the owning partner identified by Garcia. And it is logical to think that if there really, the Satanic network could be responsible for other cases of missing children. For example, the case Macastre occurred three years earlier than Alcàsser but its characteristics were very similar to this .

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bollywood Actresses Boobs

On 16 February, the daily El Pais published an interview the new General Coordinator of Izquierda Unida, Cayo Lara. For answers we noticed some improvement, in every sense, with the level of the previous coordinator, Gaspar Llamazares. Throughout the interview we can see some aspect of the left who stumbles, however, two important points: the Basque conflict and the Cuban Revolution.

on the Basque conflict, and more specifically on the Law of Parties:

P. Are you happy or upset that the Supreme Court has annulled the lists and Askatasuna D3M?

R. do not agree with the banning, is extremely dangerous outlaw people for failing to condemn ETA. Outlaw "who have not condemned the invasion of Gaza? To those who supported the invasion of Iraq? It's just a question that I leave in the air. Is that the proscription is very dangerous. It does not help to solve the Basque problem: create martyrs.

Cayo Lara realizes that outlaw parties is not "dangerous" but undemocratic. He seems simply "Dangerous" because it is concerned that the party is outlawed or Askatasuna D3M, the danger for him is that outlaw who should not be outlawed: PP, PSOE, IU ... But it is concerned that outlawing certain policy options that it believes can be outlawed without problems, as in the case of Basque independence. Another disadvantage

Cayo see Lara in the banning is the creation of "martyrs" from the nationalist left. In other words: not considered negative proscription in itself, but of course the political exploitation of this could make the nationalist left. Needless to say, he is the very left-wing nationalism that wants to be outlawed, and the head its autoilegalización.

then says:

P. Is not dangerous to have in the institutions to parties that support ETA?

R. Concern that there are more indifferent. If ETA parties serve, we must ensure that citizens do not vote. The theme of the Basque Country as a massive cover smokescreen Spain's social problems.

assumes that there may be "parties that serve ETA", forgetting perhaps that in any case, ETA will work with certain individuals in that game and that existing laws that punish "collaborating with armed groups." It is impossible for a political party commits a crime of collaboration with ETA but not specifically accuse any member of the same. Let

now with another obstacle facing the Cayo Lara:

Question. Why United Left advocates the dictatorship in Cuba?

Response. Well, there is a concept of dictatorship ... It is a model that Cubans have a revolution after 50 years. The Cubans are the ones to decide which model they want.

P. How democratic elections or what?

R. They have elections, only with a single party. Cuba Yo I stay with this: is a country, impoverished by the blockade, was capable of transmitting more solidarity than many developed European countries: teachers, doctors sent to other countries to treat people ... A Cuba must be assessed by comparison with neighboring countries, not Sweden. And, compared with its surroundings, Cuba has given lessons to the world. They have to make your transition: with Fidel, without Fidel, Raul, not Raul, but they are the ones who will decide.

first thing that strikes us in this response is that Mr. Lara does not deny the existence of a dictatorship in Cuba. Not correct the misinformation of the interviewer, only to mumble pathetically limited: "There is a concept of dictatorship ..." And his words one can deduce the absurd idea that the Cuban people have voluntarily opted to acquire a dictatorial political system.

To top it off, goes on to say that "they have elections, only one-party," as if he were to run for election or had anything to do with the electoral process. For Lara, the Cuban elections are not very different from those held in Spain under Franco.

I think the posture of a man allegedly socialist positions with two major issues such as conflict Basque and the Cuban revolution is revealing enough on their policy thinking.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bench Fixsalon Comments

Interview with Lara Cayo Otegi Reflections on armed struggle

fragments intervention Arnaldo Otegi in a meeting held in the Kursaal Donostia , and titled on the cover Gara "Otegi raises confront the state as a weak point, the political arena "

" The solution will be given in a European context, and the European context tells us that it is possible to build a state in Europe if a democratic majority is sufficient. The independence left has to make a effort to place the problem in the European context. His position is understood here as a reasonable alternative.


We must be aware of one thing at the moment, which is the international arena. Since the U.S. administration has launched a "crusade against terrorism." I am well aware that the actions of ETA used in the international arena to avoid talking about the conflict in political terms .


In all processes of liberation, we are militating we must have the ability to be courageous and honest to understand that the instruments must be tailored to the needs of these processes . I am convinced that in the international arena is possible to achieve the ultimate goals of a process of national liberation if we can achieve a majority in terms of democracy in this country. Against this debate "armed struggle yes or no, I pose another debate:" How to Win. "


The modus operandi of imperialism has changed. The left nationalist also have to read that and see the winning strategy in the social field also .


Obviously, the situation has changed. I think personally that is a step in the process of national liberation has concluded . Either we are capable of bidding policy based on a solid foundation for incorporating the new generations, or we will have serious difficulties.


Now is the State that is in the strategy of "resistance is overcome," that is interested in maintaining the locked position. The left-wing nationalism has to be able to read the situation and devise a strategy that allows you to recover the political initiative and make it impossible to block. have to keep the confrontation with the state in the area that we are stronger and the state is weakest: in the field of political arguments . "

Otegi you preparing the ground for an upcoming change in strategy of the nationalist left passing through the abandonment of armed struggle? Will we soon some decision by ETA in this regard? Perhaps a new cease-fire, in the context of the "pole sovereigntist" q EU may now be brewing with EA ? Do we have a new peace process in the making?