the trial began yesterday Fernando Garcia, the father of one of the girls killed Alcasser and criminologist Juan Ignacio Blanco. The prosecutor asked for them 16 years in prison for a crime of libel in the wake of widespread criticism both at the time made against the official investigation of the case and resulted in the conviction of Antonio Angles (yet fled) and Miguel Ricart (currently serving a sentence). Fernando Garcia has always maintained that Angles and Ricart are innocent, mere heads of Turkish conceal the real perpetrators, and that the trial was the sole purpose of closing the case culbabilidad forcing the two criminals.
The truth is that the girls' bodies were found hair and pubic hair belonging to seven different individuals , and none of them was Ricart and Angles. There are also grounds for believing that the family both receive money from the funds set aside, presumably to compensate them for having voluntarily and falsely charged with the stigma of the murder of three girls.
circulating in internet a curious letter allegedly written by a member of the intelligence of the State which offers an intriguing explanation of this case. According to that letter, the pressure of public opinion forced the murderers (whoever they are) give a tip to the Home Office to report the exact location of the bodies. Given the complete lack of clues to the identity of the murderers, and continued pressure suffered by the Government by a public that demanded results, the highest state authorities decided to re-bury near Alcàsser girls and make a montage using it to two common criminals collaborates with the Civil Guard.
In the final analysis, it is curious that the bodies appear just at the time that Fernando Garcia is in London (as indicated by Raymond Nakachi, related the CESID) and while the team from UCO Guard Civil investigating the case moved to Madrid to be relieved. On the other hand, the thesis of the letter explain why girls were buried several times for different forensic evidence.
respect to the true identity of the murderers, Fernando García said that a high specific personalities unofficially were being investigated for alleged membership in a Satanic cult and a network of video production snuff. Juan Ignacio Blanco himself said have envisioned a tape on which was the rape, torture and death of one of the girls at the hands of six men. The satanic cult theory also has strong evidence: the girls were abducted on Friday 13 and a cross appeared embedded caravaca in the spine of one of the bodies.
Fernando Garcia made such statements in the program "The Night We crossed the Mississippi" and was sentenced in court for it, but do not forget that the girl's disappearance Gloria Martínez Ruiz (17 years) on 30 October 1992, ie just two weeks before the three girls disappear Alcasser, occurred precisely at the clinic was one of the owning partner identified by Garcia. And it is logical to think that if there really, the Satanic network could be responsible for other cases of missing children. For example, the case Macastre occurred three years earlier than Alcàsser but its characteristics were very similar to this .