3 / 10 all and thanks, the trip that never ends Said Baden Powell, founder of Scouting (Scouts, go, or the Boy Scouts for all the world I understand, although that name to the scouts do not like a lot) when you closed a camp and marched back home, only had to make two things on the ground where you had encamped: anything and thanks. With this, Baden Powell wanted to explain how important it was to be respectful of the environment, ie, to never knowing where he camped a scout group as this has to bother to leave everything exactly as found. However, despite my admiration for the simple wisdom of Baden Powell, I totally disagree with him in this, clearly there has to be noted where a scout group has camped! To better!
not have to worry so much about using the world and spend it: for it is. So I put a little sick the global attitude to "respect the environment." "We regret exisit? It makes no sense to try to preserve the world as if the human species would not have passed it. Who really loves the earth and had the opportunity to surprise with its wealth and its landscapes, feel the fear of being faced with an animal or the excitement of knowing that on this planet will most sublime stretch the capacity of their senses, understands he is here for a reason: to magnify the miracle.
We all know the parable of the talents that a parent left her children and how the father came to get mad, rightly, with the child who hid underground for not compromised: either he would say today that child who simply with the increased cost of living, the opportunity cost, etc., etc., those talents would decline by the mere failure to grow. That's exactly what happens to the planet: do not try to leave it as it was before the first smoke resulting from the magnificent evolution of man appeared on Earth. Mejorémoslo. We believe beauty with dim lamps in the streets, poems about the engine noise and fury Titanic Factory sublimate man ... and we use all this to admire even more the beauty that surrounds us. Let's go to the mountain of truth and understand that it is pointless to try to separate containers for colorful, understand that it is foolish to establish a process so open to failure and know that it is our duty to continue creating useful and wonderful things for man and not fuck , our house is not that I know if something is aluminum or galvanized steel to throw the garbage right, but to improve processes so that the machines do it for themselves.
I think of all this before I left for the joy that comes from knowing me what I can bring me to humanity. It has been a profound journey for myself, but I have the luck to know and the obligation to do so, "namely, of truth, as one who knows that tomorrow will dawn, that everything, absolutely everything is possible." That's my ultimate goal and that is why I can feel happy to have him present at every step I take, every thing I do: When I plant stories and ideas lost magic tricks for kids who pay attention to colors, when surprised with a trip magic for someone who is at home carving the earth tilts as usual, when I buy bread and every time you show it achieving business goals specific or personal.
And I am happy to pollute. To pollute my house doing work on it to leave it more beautiful. I am extremely happy of this trip. The trip and the people have given me many more feelings and wisdom of which, quite frankly, I could imagine. But only one way to accomplish this: wanting to give you your you to others.
And it amazes me how just by giving so much and get so happy. How to you want to leave your home more beautiful, your house and all who pass through it give you the happiness that will cause your colors, amazed.
I go. Happy.
I know that many seeds left at all, for everything, so they are there for that one day someone will pick up and bear fruit unexpected and disparate, like flowers. So that when someone needs to know that anything is possible, you may know who knows, even without knowing that he knows or why he knows that everything goes.
With many, many people: people Vius Yamaha workshop arranged a puncture on my bike just the day before this trip, without having parts or anyone that supply it .... magic. Thanks to Luis Torrecilla en Cameros, to pave the way throughout my journey. Thanks to the Hospedería Sagasta, for welcoming me home. Thanks to Rochester, Magic Wand, for giving me support and your bread to can do a little more magic. Thank you, thank you to all of you who have read and encouraged me that I have helped to create illusion. To you understand I've known inside and you're amazed at my amazement. Because magic is not what I do, but your answer. Many thanks to all the people in magic forums, which have received so much joy to his colleague: thanks to the people of "The Restless Lady "" Makin 'Magic, "" World Magic Portal "," Games Magicians "and" talkmagic. " All, without exception, have at my disposal all the tools at their disposal to help spread the news. In all I received encouragement and affection. Thanks, really. Thanks to Kiko, Joseph Julian, Emma, \u200b\u200bAna, Cristina, a partner of the Guardia Civil, the Civil Guard car that helped me get home safely (I am telling you now) , Sergio, Reuben, Lis, Chema, Emilio, bartenders, owners, the baker-Kiosquero, vendors of cheeses, the sale, the guardians of shrines and castles, , walkers and artisans, the dreamers who shared his dreams, who drank with me, who fed me, whom I gave, expectant, their time, the guards who love their land, which coincided in their journey with me, all happily receiving my magic and my love that was, absolutely, and is a magical miracle can say this with no margin for error, ABSOLUTELY, everyone.
Before embarking on the way back, I say goodbye to the Hospedería Sagasta, signed in the guestbook and leave a small mark my passage. Rosie chooses a card, the touch, signature, and I recorded:
Before leaving at all, stop to eat at the Sale of Piqueras to resolve the prediction he had left made the day of my arrival. Rafa asks his mother the slip of paper with my two predictions. We make two stacks of cards with a deck and ask French to mother and child, that they turn to the many letters as they want of their respective lots, which is the share that the mix well, repeat the process ... but inevitably, always, whenever you go to the sale Rafa Piqueras and meet you and your mother, you can let him know and therefore written in a week in advance, are asking themselves the keepers of the paper, which will, in total, 25 cards face up, 25 as the day of Santiago .... of which, 13, as the villages that make up the brotherhood whose head they guard, will inevitably be red. :-) Good
Torrecilla en Camino
As for the whole trip I had a great time, it is better to change a bit to give some excitement to the last day, so it makes ... rain and blowing wind with all his might ... not over the 40 per hour so the rain, wind and my fear for the attempts to tread the ground, takes about 4 hours to do the 150 miles I separated from Medinaceli. I remember then, again Colombo, he said in an episode to stop the murderer was a country singer rehabilitated that "a man singing can not lose hope" and I start singing and the weather improves a bit.
However, take the A-2 I still do not dare to exceed 60 km / hour with my YBR-125 loaded to the brim because I have the feeling that the wind will pull me standing still. Providentially appears behind me a car of the Civil Guard that I sign and escort me to a safe exit. I say there is no alternative secondary road to get to Madrid so guide me to a hostel where refuge road. It is a great pleasure to feel embraced in times of unrest and the provision of service of the Civil Guards took me a bit excited but I'm sure that even better than my sense of relief, is his sense of the service. So
complete the 1,600 km. in 7 days, last 125 in tow. But it is clear that when a journey begins, never ends. At the grave of Baden-Powell is a tracking signal: The signal "end of track." For when I die, I will be happy to have won that recorded the exact opposite of mine: "start of track."
See You Again, as late in the spring. Everyone, meanwhile, Good Hunting.