On Sunday last week I went to the movies with my friend Christian. We take that Day was celebrated film and came together in Larcomar for 2 paranormal activity, a movie that I recommend because it looks as glossy own thriller and horror. It's one of those films that, without being a masterpiece in this field of films, manages to capture the viewer's attention from beginning to end, to make you jump in his seat so impressed that he can keep seeing the development of the facts that the same account. Beyond
entering discuss the plot or dramatic quality of its actors, I want to comment on this occasion is somewhat the importance of being afraid.
Fear is one of those moods that most people do not want to spend. Well, in my case is a feeling that I have always repelled with the utmost of my efforts. I've always known fear, and above all, fear what is unknown to me and I can not know. Small was a timid child, very unlike my brother more than once smiled when asked my mother to lie down beside me and not leave until I do sleep. I was afraid of two things: a night, or what is more or less the same thing, the dark and being alone. I always hated solitude, although over the years I've grown accustomed to it. Nevertheless, I am still not easy being alone. Now I'm not saying be afraid to be alone, but to show fear, it is not the same to be terror.
Why people can get to be afraid? Are our fears or similar fears? And what used to be afraid or frightened? Is there any practical use to get to go through a mood of this nature? Precisely what I comment on the fear he felt as a child may respond in any way to these questions. Who else but a child to shiver so I do not know, or to what he knows and does not want to come? The fear as a child can reach that stage memories of our lives that never return: childhood. There are more children, and indeed, how it could be us again for even a moment and remember thousands of things beautiful and good to us during those years! Back to operate without concern for what we are going to give in exchange for what we do, but think ill of people or that it will make us damage, see the world with innocence, and read through the innocence and purity of life clearly and without so many veils that are the many social conventions that mark the pattern of personal and social development.
And when we are afraid, or afraid of something, only wish that such uncomfortable feelings go away and come back the calm, quiet ... Tranquility.
What we know about him? Most of us spend much of his life wanting to live in peace, but in truth there are few who ask for themselves the peace. Why is this? Is there a difference between them?
While behaves want peace a state of harmony that more than one can share with another at the same time, the calm is a pleasant mood that emerges as a very personal enjoyment, an enjoyment that is replicated in the contemplation of one's soul is not invaded by the desolation, anxiety, doubt or uncertainty or for any confusion. When this happens you know the peace. So join efforts to implement any peace plan must necessarily go to achieve an inner harmony that is the quintessential basis for directing a larger, more ambitious and community as that of achieving peace between men and women who populate this land.
And perhaps when Children do not ever want to live in peace and hold hands with our neighbors without thinking or fighting wars? Perhaps today we have already postponed a craving like this because we are engaged in the concerns of daily life, absorbing us greatly and we put as an agenda other concerns less ethereal. But how important would be to update a wish like this, so you can return to be children again.
It's always nice to relive the good that ever was . This, "as more or less I wanted to show life-improvement.
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