who did not participate in politics was considered an "idiot", namely someone simply reduced its particularity and therefore unable to understand their social status and living it as necessarily a form of freedom. "
(Fernando Savater- Dictionary citizen without fear of knowing, ed Ariel pp. 12-13)
"Following the line of Greek thought, the idiotes can be understood as the opposite of polites therefore man and citizen meant exactly the same, which does not mean that no individual freedom enjoyed in respect of a private space, but this notion, understood as such, it makes sense until the Roman and privatus . In Latin, privatus , means "private" (the verb deprive, deprive of something), and the term is used to designate an incomplete and imperfect existence in relation to the community. is why, for the Greeks, such a view could only be understood by the word idion (private or lacking), in contrast to koinonia (the common element ) or community, which shows more strongly the sense of "deprivation."
From these concepts, we can say that idiotes was a pejorative term that was not designated polites , ie the non-citizen, an ordinary man, ignorant, worthless, and only cared about himself. can be defined, therefore, the idiot as the person who is not concerned with public affairs, but only their private interests. "
the idiotes was the term for which the ancient Greeks called citizens, as such, they had rights, but did not address the political activity of the polis .
In other words, they were isolated individuals who were unaware of public affairs, with nothing to offer to others and obsessed with the pettiness of their home and their private interests.
There is growing evidence that what distinguishes public life today is the supremacy of the idiot, and here it-considering the meanings that word: the idion classic Aristotle, that of one who has
an exercise of active citizenship, is leaving the "idiocy", without neglecting the idios kosmos or private world, enrich it with our participation and engagement in the world shared or kosmos koinos and that, taking into account that apart from idios and koinos, man is a "micro" cosmos Will we be able to combine all these facets or cosmos?
With this input, we closed our business in the blog regarding the school year 2009-2010.
A further course is over, it's time to wake farewells always different emotions: the joy of completing a course of stress, daily work, study ... and nostalgia of the daily meeting of coexistence in the classroom, discussions, nerves in the exams ...
always, on balance, the result is the same:
worth it!
Thanks to all who have accompanied us with your comments, your presence and love.
In the next year, decide how each home, whether new students-as want
the continuity of this experience, if the answer is yes, then return
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