Since last year, if I remember correctly, one of the largest brewers in our country launched a campaign commercial aims to celebrate every first Saturday of July the Day friend. Obviously the beer has little interest or value friendship as a manifestation of affection from one person to another. What interests him is to sell more and more beer with which an increasing number of Peruvians can get drunk, celebrating a holiday as mentioned above. From here but I can not find more inspiration to write a post because it is more than clear commercial intent is signed.
However, thinking a bit on the idea of \u200b\u200bholding the "friend" I did the following question: if it is celebrated on February 14 of each year that unbearable celebration known as the day of love and friendship, why repeat it again at this time of year, almost 05 months after the first and last? However, the response to this case, it is also quite clear and obvious. Rather, I said to myself, why if there is more than a date to celebrate friendship and friends, why is there not even a date set in the calendar to remind the enemy? What good would remember our enemies, or at least to those people whom we do not want to know anything else just because they behaved well with us, because the only thing that unites them are indeed unpleasant memories and when reactualized, in the worst case, can again be painful? What would be helpful for this? Who would be so masochistic as to allow such a thing?
Well, I must confess that I am one of the few not, I believe that it could find the benefit in this situation. Remember the "enemy", the persona non grata, to one that re-display only in our minds we produce Basque does have, in my humble opinion and deranged, something useful: it makes you see that there are certain episodes in the life lived and that failed for no reason and you people joined ax, that you did this or that thing because they simply were not prepared for an experience of this kind. Life took you off guard or unprepared and were able to experience something that, although uncomfortable or painful, you finished the finals and no longer living, as much as you want, you can delete the pages that make up the book in your life. Well, these last lines sound corny but it's good enough to insert the post season.
For example, what good is a failed love affair to remember if it was unpleasant, painful, uncomfortable, humiliating, ...? At the time that you, dear mortal, you lived, would have been long thought a solution for any discomfort to disturb the course armosioso your love relationship with that person, but you were wrong. Today you become aware that everything was a mere waste of time, people do not change when they deem it necessary to change, and do not change because they are motivated to change, because not motivated to change.
This will always have this, we know, but since then!, We need something to occupy our time but it would be like eternity, except that it would end up moving and blasé. When we advocate a person know that as the clothes they sell some department stores offer seasonal by change of seasons, comes with "Fallitas", "defectitos" more than once say, "are not very noticeable, no one will" or even "I can do something to remedy it and matter over."
Not so. There are "defectitos" and "Fallitas" that we want more than what they will not amend ever. And you knew when you lived a love and passion with the person who today hate and whose name does not want to ever hear again. Now, what is good to remember this? It's easy, you know the mistakes you made in the past should not make again in the future. Remember this "enemy" forces you to upgrade a comprimised personal: "I do not trip over the same stone again." Of course, this too, but also, and what really matters is that based on lived experience, although poor, she earned experience and it will be easier to face the days ahead to have this life. And if you mess up again and repeat the same mistakes is that you're in serious trouble.
is hard to learn in this way, through trial and error, the same as more or less has been seen so far, is to try more than one alternative to finding the most appropriate, effective and efficient, ie, the solution to a given situation or problem. In the knowledge is gained over, the same as it is of vital importance to humanity to ensure its own survival. When it is on track to try a second option always with the premise of finding a solution, the acquired knowledge is vital to assess the budget coming alternative, valuable feedback pre- we have, if you positively, to face myself knowing what steps we should take and what situations to avoid.
Finally, and without much encouragement of sarcasm, it is good to review from time to time as lived, especially when we are about to face a situation similar to what has already happened, way to dodge the potential to fail or be harmed. But Zana think the "enemy" is one of the most insane things can be made, among other reasons, because it wears out, gets old and ugly. There are events in life that simply must be considered as mere events and people they just have to see as mere individuals.
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