handle calls between media and several other pending cases shot me "breakfast" from 9:45 until 12:15. I get out to las12: 30 but finally started!
The first people they came is Pradillo. Asked by the mayor and his wife served me who is waiting to get his grandson on the bus from Ortigosa. I say quote: "You see, I have given this piece of paper to see the mayor" will leave a small piece of tissue paper to look at it, "but I thought that to see the mayor had to be adequately equipped ... and as the mayor has his staff ... I have thought that the slip is not going to be good for nothing, so we burn y. .. I pull out my wand! that appears out of nowhere ;-) "
A lady gives you the giggles, and moreover I do my card magically appears. I explain the trip and asked for the establishment of the people I spoke to a bar and a bakery. And for the bakery I go.
Activity half-open door and leave me a nice bread during baking something while waiting. When it comes to the counter ask if you can change me a 2 euro coin that I teach. "Change why? "" For any other is that I will see what happens with this: I leave it in one hand, I go away and I have to get it out of the knee with this one ... but the trouble is that when I want to give I'll take her mind with this hand, I will remove it from the knee with this one and it ... is not in this hand ... or in this! "
The friendly baker, a young girl called Lis told me that he left his career in electronic engineering to come to mount this bakery to a village of 20 inhabitants ... Look at what things you ;-)
By making the choice, from among infinite possibilities, my card, I tell the project and commented the ability to record something. smiles and automatically resolve call to Reuben, his companion on his adventure of the bakery began to go this August to say that the card game you will play this afternoon at 16: 00 in The Rasillo will have a new boy friend. The most precious of magic is that, provided one wants to leave, leave alone :-)
Ruben comes after a while accompanied by two journalists from El Diario de La Rioja, Pilar Zubi and I have that are beginning, just today, a series about people of La Rioja counted by a unique inhabitant each. Coincidentally, I also begin today with the following, you see, look, holding this camera if you do not mind, Zubi:
The truth is that almost no magic and the miracle is no longer is recorded, but as I explain later, I had little problems with the videos and I did not know that you have not yet put any:-S
I stay a little longer talking to Lily about how I left my job and engineering business, also addresses to dedicate to the magic, the difficulties they are having to pull out his bakery, how well it smells of scones carrots in the oven and how it turns out that, despite all the impossible, the bakery is open every day :-) I ask a bun pregnant and will not let me pay.
In honor of the bakery in the Rasillo, Lis and Ruben, I must say that a bun pregnant is something you would want always very excited but then usually have the sausage or cold or too fat mass ... Not really. This bun pregnant is exactly what you eat with your mind when you want a bun pregnant. We will have to spend another day for a loaf of which smell so good.
I climb a road that ascends the Sierra bluntly Cameros to Roost, a pretty village almost abandoned, except in summer, high in the mountains that give name to the region. It is a village tucked in the hills. From the esplanade of the cemetery I have a great view with my bike that I can not transform in photo but is nonetheless possible to imagine quite vividly. And every one of you can know exactly how Cameros roost and close my eyes and know how it feels up there and, without having to go up there to live there for a couple of years feeling wrapping Mount street Full and fall full of beech and chestnut trees to get into the mind that one lives from rising, eat and work until it lives up stories or dreams as if they were true.
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Cameros roost |
From there I go to the Rasillo in time to stop by the Yacht Club next to the lake to eat something his restaurant, summer is full of tourists or a Tuesday in which no one, opens. But I have only 25 minutes to eat and be in the bar of The Rasillo where I stayed with Ruben to play the game. The owner and cook quickly resolved, with love and best possible way
I have often thought how lucky it is to work in a restaurant and kept with the public having the opportunity to serve every moment and brighten your day with your service and attention, understand this and live well Happy serving.
In a flash, I said that taking 25 minutes I'm going to eat a sandwich so I removed some chickpeas with spinach, and bring me a real good green guindillitas to cut and pour. Chorizo \u200b\u200bomelette later. It just ask an egg, sent to do but it comes to looking girl like that makes me both equally. The truth is that you can at least tell you how good it is. A Coca-Cola, a couple of glasses of Rioja, bread ... 8 euros. We must go back and open every day! Another day this week with some more time, without fail.
Reservoir Rasillo and the restaurant with my food in :-)
got to the bar in the Plaza La Garota with power and the Rasillo there are already ready for departure Reuben, Kiko, a big young kid, and Chema Chema, two gentlemen with gray hair and neatly dressed.
Greeting Ruben who tells the others that I am Txema and I have come to teach them to play a little with the mus ... Put in as nice mess, I explain that I do not know to play to play, just win ... but it is not my fault ... it is just that, cutting where cutting bag ... always a king ... look ... and I can mix and re-cut ... and cut ... another! .. . whatever you do ... send me where you want to cut another ...¡¡! Here you play with only four kings right? Ea, in Madrid it is more difficult, but here then just cut back and ChimpĂșn, the fourth ;-)
But I'll ask, Kiko, now you choose one of those kings, the one you want. That of gold, worth. Put it here in the deck anywhere ... And look, if we have learned how this works, what happens is that you stick your king anywhere, I mix, short, short ... and the king, comes out first. .. come on, it does not ... the 4 of spades. Well, let's put it this way ... because if the king is not above, so that is certainly ... mmmm ... well below the 7 of spades is not. Hey, we left on the table too. To not lie, it is sufficient to make the truth large enough so undoubtedly the king of diamonds must be in the middle, what is important is to know what ... the four of hearts not right? Well, let's make one thing Kiko, put your hands one on each card, feel a lighter hand, lift Are you sure? Would that? None of these three cards is the king of diamonds right? Not possible that I will change the letter in hand right? Well, unlike a magician is a trickster that when conjuring fails, you still have the magic ... turn it over to your letter to have no choice but to become ...¡¡ The king of diamonds! ! ;-)
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with Kiko's bar and Ruben The Rasillo Pradillo bakery playing the game |
movies of this and other games, but I realize that I have the phone set so that the video was cut when it meets a minute and can not see anything, like getting flowers ... Va Parish people and show them how to dance the letters from the deck, do turn around without touching one, two, three or four chosen out of all ... What you gonna do, tomorrow will eliminate it from videos. Kiko asks me to do magic for all bar one night. We agreed in principle on Thursday but let's try for Saturday ... Hey, do not worry, that for those who follow me until Sunday, will cool videos, but let's give
emotion ...;-) I
a photo to a manor house at the entrance of the village. Comes a woman from a balcony, I wondered why I take a picture of the house ... I say I sell it for 110,000 euros. Well man, why not take them over, because the truth is that the house is beautiful and really, nobody can imagine how the area. All the towns are full of mountain, the mountain villages dotted whole puzzle made pictures with which one begins to dream of summer. He tells me this morning have arrested one of ETA Basque Country and the Civil Guard has gone out there dancing. Although women are a bit lonely ... it warns me that I judge whether is a notice or warning. I tell him not to worry, that in the face of redneck and I see I'm from Madrid, but thanks ...
From left to right: the house of € 110,000 and houses in the village of El Rasillo
Nieva (Cameros, not Segovia). From the road the view is amazing. The church and on top the ruins of a castle ... a castle on a cliff that is only accessible by climbing, no way. The views and the ability to imagine people's craggy ... Curiously, to defend themselves, even better than hiding it be clearly visible at the top of a cliff that soars above the valley.
Cameros Nieva views from the castle ruins on top of the cliff
A man invites me to drink from the fountain in the square ... This and the town's name give me an idea to make a game this man another day ... the day you return to the bar of The Rasillo I remember passing by here again.
Cameros Nieva
Al heads to Ortigosa unemployment at the height of the village of Montemediano to take a picture of a shelter in the middle of a meadow with horses born in the middle of a naval flowered among the mountains, brings in a message to white wall Me: "The world is in your hands" How beautiful is the beauty ;-)
Lucky is having the sort of stop for a moment to think about how wonderful everything is enjoyed daily ...
wonderful thing that is driving the motorbike through these mountain roads well paved and well but that does not happen today nobody. Siera Cameros This is the dream of any biker: full enjoyment of the road, travel and bike.
Ortigosa I come just to pass the final 18:30 to the caves. Mari Angeles, guide and box office tells me that no one person can be taught ... I explain why it is so important to me because I see something curious happens stones ... I go from hand to hand : one ... two ... three ... four ... I disappear ... I tell him I'm going to have a few and I leave my card ... but the poor Mari Angeles tells me that you are banned. Nothing magically get more people to enter. The cave entrance is a metal door half of a mountain ... like keeping the secret: no one imagine that behind that door lies a magical world underground.
Entrance to the Cave of Peace in Ortigosa
peace cave is awesome ... full of stalactites, flags, columns, stalagmites, gours magnificent shine ... and formations called eccentric ... growing up without attending to the orders of gravity doing somersaults in the air ... I wonder if there have never ridden a crib y. .. go, I say yes ... It has to be cool. Surprised by the roots of the oaks displayed through the roof. It's nice to be under the trees, for a change. You can not take pictures of the caves, so I buy some postcards.
For those who want to have a minimum inside the eye, you can enter here: http://www.ortigosadecameros.org/Las-Cuevas-de-Ortigosa.84.0.html
A broken stalactites with hollow channel and exposed crystals touches my head. It is a great advantage because it is assumed that you should not touch the cave, but touching it explained to me how I Mari Angeles has transmitted his powers.
Upon leaving, although he says the magic is really scary, I tell how a dowser friend of mine gave me the tip of his wand to find water underground, and therefore, the caves excavated by underground rivers. I ask you to pick a card, and fire from the ground, the wire feels y. .. moving only to take the form of your letter ... can not believe it ... well, what the term means.
I said, do not worry, there'll be videos for us to see everyone.
Ortigosa is a beautiful town quarry bisected by a river and two bridges that cross over the air.
Ortigosa de Cameros
Mount The problem is that both can not fit in photos ... A dream I had with someone and that I must do is to have 12 houses in Spain, one for each month ... no certainly have to come here to understand it well, but since there can be dreamed ... as dusk Torrecilla way I think of home ...:-) The
In the Cafeteria "La Terraza" of turret where breakfast, dinner and I have my office with internet access are doing a barbecue to celebrate a family party. After drinking a broth I put a little mask grilled pork. Everyone talks of the strike, but people are mocking in general.
With no need to strike joke: it is easier, more efficient and more fun to laugh and give you nice things others to lie to mourn for begging. Think what you feel and everything suggests apetecerĂa more who will give your spirit. But that is tomorrow, which is the good day. Morning light, I have to also teach you a picture of where I sleep and habit. Tomorrow!
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