According to Angel Pérez Martínez, author of Undoing grievances. The idea of \u200b\u200bjustice in Quixote the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance believe in distributive justice and commutative going to give each one what is yours and you. In the act of justice (or injustice possible) agents may be at least three: the agent who performs the action of justice / injustice, the subject is acted right or wrong and the observer, which may well be a judge intercede to ensure the restoration of the rule of equity.
This table is thus a sort of Don Quixote comes to the world court to restore the same, leaving his position as a mere observer, depending on the context, to become director of justice where the law has gaps. Feel jurisprudence and keep in touch with life itself and its various situations.
As we mentioned before, Don Quixote was devoted to reading chivalric novels for many years, and when Knight decided to arm themselves and go for the ideal world he found in them will serve as ethical and theoretical foundation to act and conduct their acts. Is convinced that those ideals finish made in the ordinary world that we all belong and given our everyday lives.
It follows from the draft of a virtuous life guided by the fulfillment of justice. It is always a personal life inspired by the need of the community. The man with moral training discerning about what should and must do and judge what should be his most correct, the same as inevitably have to be consonant with truth and goodness.
Now, to make a proper exercise of justice is necessary to have the ability to reason, to have clarity. And as it is also necessary to have it keep track of discretion and prudence. The sum of all set the profile of the wise, and consider the example of King Solomon in the Bible that embodies these values \u200b\u200balmost finished. Unfortunately Quixote becomes the wise would be expected: overwhelmed his fantasies that "massaged" the reality will pre-arrange for another way to intervene in it and consequently alter their interaction with others.
But the madness of Don Quixote is not free. Through the same reading Cervantes seeks to expose the failure of certain ethical standards of their time and present a view of the events that overtake them. Cervantes through the madness of Don Quixote raises a number of customary injustices that are assisted by the gentleman from La Mancha in order to resolve them. Again the rich side of the plot is unorthodox as their solution, and it is seeing things, so to speak, from another perspective. There is the detail. In Quixote
alleging the breach of certain conventions of an era and the same gaps in exceptional cases will prevent the person started tackling the law and customs of his time. Given such legal expert Don Quixote is empty.
Quixote has a reading of reality and its events is free of prejudice, the situations covered his eyes are illuminating. An example is the passage from the novel in which the peasant Juan Haldudo strikes the young infant Andrés having lost their sheep. This involved the hidalgo manchego advocating for the young infant, mostly by not fair to consider then you need to pay for such punishment, quite apart from the farmer wants to argue the relevance of the abuse inflicted on his subordinate.
Quixote Haldudo first calls to free Andrew, then challenges him to a confrontation, but Haldudo refuses and offers his "word" to release immediately to avoid further problems. Quixote not trust his word and goes pleased to have resolved the situation. However, moments after his departure, again Haldudo mock the infant for the reason set out at the beginning of this paragraph.
As shown, a Don Quixote only his word was enough to declare the episode. No guarantees if requested or seek to ensure that Haldudo meet what it says. In our days would be impossible to devise a system of justice that only you forgive the word of people to terminate their involvement and leave, confident that good sense of them will return the first order of things. No one takes as true or valid the first word of another without first pre-judge or pre-theorizing about the nature of his conduct or speech. Failure to do so it is crazy.
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