When I was 16 years old where I made more contact with literature and all genres, I started writing poems and stories different, for several people and inspired by particular events that shook my life. At that time was to write and not a delight, especially because he did it without haste or external pressures. I wrote when I wanted, more or less as I do now, and wrote a little of everything.
few days ago I asked my mother to take out the trunk of memories that escrbiera those poems as a teenager and amorous dreamer. Of the many poems he dusted off for me that I could find the public then. I do this way to save from oblivion those lines at a time of my life were written while I dreamed of castles in the air and the princess of my dreams. Bringing to present these poems also meant to recall passages of a life, mine, which will not return and that this gesture is further set in my memory, and thus affirm the existence of a past that was nice and always remain in my mind, like a photograph that does not lose color with the inexorable passage of time, or as a melody and the score, always well-written notes on the staff and hoping to revive a new revival of his musical line.
To remember
ultimate faith Sea you lose,
looks that she move mountains.
claudiques to a company not to launch
that large movements are not forged
of overnight.
But with faith, patience and hope
all can be achieved.
Your heart is not alone,
we have here, with you
you want and not abandon you.
Try to get along this journey,
with good sense and without error. Look
that this world is another way for
it home without regret.
back the change from not bad money
and note that the Eternal
administrator will review their workers
looking for who knew how to do the right thing
in your company is Life.
No adverse weather
Time may seem adverse
but I by way of verse
you'll see the opposite.
are many that daily
have nothing to eat at the table
and you pray God asking
moderate punishment.
Well, let me eat a fig
with trivial nonsense.
Look I married my aunt
against such stupidity.
Come on, let's tosudez
and look positively.
fans know that God
to move forward. Let
like the poet, Dante
and we will write a verse
no adverse weather.
thank Valen
not know how I thank God
to have a mother as selfless
with his love, affection and kisses
covers their children when there is swell!
Who is like you can never fail!
Who like you, can not be compared!
Because women like you can not have,
a similar not be found.
With your effort and hard dedication
ungrateful Rest assured that we will not ...
We will form in values \u200b\u200band education.
Because very well know I love you
and hearing I whisper a prayer
and love holds you in our arms.
Another sonnet for my mother
Mother, the most sublime word that a child can pronounce
required when the calendar marks the Mother's Day
or when for some special cause to celebrate
is commemorated by the double effort of mother and father.
Mother sublime word that should never insult
and oh! the one who recklessly created and it does,
won the penalty shall be loved
dare miss a mother and child a blue mage.
Mother sublime word that many could not pronounce
for life, severe and rigorous impidiĆ³les ...
Or because others cursed children, they refused to love.
But conscience is a voice that can not be put
and for tomorrow, going to his funeral
will see that stubborn mother could not take advantage.
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