Japan through one of its worst moments: the earthquake of 8.9 magnitude on the Richter scale and subsequent tsunami that hit the northeastern coast of the so-called Land of the Rising Sun have sown devastation and the resulting devastation across a prosperous nation but today mourns its dead and searches for her missing vehemently.
We forget for a moment that Japan, despite being one of the most powerful nations of the world is as vulnerable as any other to the ravages of nature, sometimes as it shows all its fury and power, he who reiterated that even though man has tried to dominate his interests for hundreds of years it will always be, a single swipe, knock down all that should be built, and force him to back up what he had done.
On Friday 11 March 2011 and is inscribed on a memorial record of dates on which humanity was touched by the loss of so many human lives and destruction of man's work, a work whose loss, in the case of Japan, regrets even more given the entrepreneurial spirit and millennium worker of his people. However, Japan will soon rise from among the debris, helps its technological advancement and the power that lies in organization and good use of their resources, quite unlike the poor and withered Haiti so far not recovered experienced a similar experience and more than a year ago.
After the earthquake alert was expanded in all countries to the Pacific coasts of the progress of tsunami and its eventual impact. The same warning was repeated in our country, and reactions to the arrival of it were more diverse than they have done nothing but reveal the lack of wisdom with which some Peruvians still today respond to an event like this.
The tsunami hit the coast of the northern Talara at 7.50 pm on that fateful Friday. At 8.15 pm passed Chimbote and Callao arrived at 9.38 pm. The expectation before the march was widespread, and many feared the worst. During all this time spread in our country there was panic and exaggerated campaign by the authorities against the passage of the tsunami and high waves unlikely they could have shaken our unsightly Peruvian coast.
Particularly I have been amazed by the reactions of the people, who as the top scoring lines have been most diverse. I have resulted from indignation, disgust and shame after seeing the intellectual smallness, lack of solidarity and above all the little sensitivity to a disaster that occurred while on the other end of the world so we are free of reflection opportune, assessment of what happened and question our eventual ability to respond to an onslaught like this should happen.
Overall reactions could say that I could recognize in this first weekend were as follows:
1 .- Indifference: it happens that some people, but have managed to find out what happened, have not sought to learn a bit more about it, and probably thinking that since it did not happen in our country does not merit concern. Have simply been content with believing that they know what happened and just.
2 .- The irresponsibility risky: some others have been ignored for alerting the authorities to evacuate the Peruvian coast, its beaches and resorts to the passage of the tsunami that may have caused damage. Although these waves were not expected height and moved onshore as the truth is that the alert was due an unrestricted respect, but some prefer to go home at the beach, camping or other surfing, to the point that the police had to intervene and invite them to leave as a precaution.
But is it possible that people may want to risk his life in this way? Product is definitely an attitude of ignorance and poor ability to observe the indications from the authorities.
3 .- insensitive curiosity, others took up positions in the early hours of that Friday sunset at some points "strategic" in town waiting to see the arrival of the tsunami. In districts like Chorrillos, Barranco, Miraflores and San Isidro, adjacent to the sea but not same-level people sat with camera and camcorder in hand to see what waves were the ones who brought us the Japanese tsunami. One of these major sites was always Larcomar snob mall in Miraflores, and these compatriots were joined by some tourists who obviously would not have wanted to return to their countries without taking a video on YouTube then hang on the tsunami arrived in Peru. This is one of the reactions that you have seen indigantes. In this is a morbid desire to want to contemplate the misery, an insane expectation to appreciate the novelty. And through it all are stressed and little solidarity with those who suffer more that is thousands of miles us.
4 .- The opportunity to use: this is one of the most disgusting sights reactions has caused me: the passage of tsunami waves was felt with intensity medium that bathed adjacent tracks, such as the famous circuit beaches of the Costa Verde in Lima. It appears that late in the evening on that Friday and started the morning of Saturday 12 sea got more agitated than normal and dozens of fish stranded on beaches. At dawn, some people went to pick them up and solve the problem of what to prepare for lunch a week.
5 .- The exaggerated response "solidarity" and "detention": some people believe that doing good and they do post will bring some benefits, especially given a good name and underline its reputation as good people concerned about the plight of others. Since Friday morning I was reading how some people said they had begun the recitation of prayers and rosaries for the dead, missing persons and disaster victims in Japan. Do it if you have faith of course not bad. Accompany them spiritually is always good, and says a lot about how you can be supportive, but do publish so that others know you're praying? That is the least Christian can do: wait for one or another way to elevate your appreciation sentences on the other.
also others saw fit to stop going to study or work until "final" warning to happen. This is really an exaggeration ... Perhaps this was done when the earthquake in Chile in February 2010? At that time we fear any possible tsunami aftershock or considering which borders with Turkey, but now that the earthquake has occurred across the world and the tsunami has passed do we continue with pseudo preventive measures of this kind?
With all this, the issue was again noted on the agenda of national debate is to ask:
- What so we are prepared to face an earthquake of similar magnitude?
- What are the levels of awareness and civic organization about it?
- What level is our culture of disaster prevention rigged to an earthquake and our ability to care for others in front of an event like this?
- How are sensitized on the issue?
- What is the responsiveness of the state? Would it be the same as applied to the earthquake that struck the area of \u200b\u200bIca, Pisco and Nazca in July 2007? ...
... If so then I would not be more than sitting by the sea and wait for the waves carry me along.
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