Inter-American relations, Security Shield and Sword of the New World of the projection of U.S. global power.
"The Monroe Doctrine represents the interests of the whole continent, and all states of America have agreed to maintain it. Moreover, although so far the U.S. has been his only defender, currently Latin states would be found powerful enough to keep it if the United States refused to do so. "
Document Taken Santa Fe, devoted to Latin America and the Caribbean Basin.
What changes in the foreign policy of the United States?
i salamero we adhere to the statements of the leadership of the FMLN political party, would be swallowed without water, the vicious lie launched by them, trying to make us believe that the United States "have changed and evolved in its external relations" . Why this dome dare to make such statements? What is behind such a lie that neither the same right is capable of sustaining? An ass so big and so cynical no one believes anyone, let alone the hawks and foxes in the Pentagon and State Department in the U.S..
These leaders seem unaware that a position so Salamero and "enrollona" far from being respected, earns the distrust and even despise them for their compliments are addressed. True, they no longer find where to put the knees, but it is also true that some credit and some respect if they could enjoy at least a minimum position of principle. They may even benefit from a reasonable doubt. Nobody
betray a cause or betray itself can be credible. The distrust is always present, even those who are served. In ancient Rome, as a rule, the pro-consuls used to say: "Rome pays the traitors, but also despises them."
All these movements and plaintive cries of forgiveness in purgatory, are given on the eve of the visit of U.S. President, Barak Obama, the country. Is it required so much shame, so displays of appeasement and adulation? Is not a political statement reasoned enough without her necessarily confrontational or offensive to the visitor? It may be politically correct but this is a sign of appeasement vilest. But trying to hide with flattery and lies outside the invariable policy of the United States on this continent and the world, is something that does not believe anyone in the country, and she believes it's own visitors and those who accompany him them, we do know what they are!
express in unison, as they have done the members of the dome and its officials, U.S. government policy has changed, it's just a late claim to be believed and forgiven. No one or very few, with a "hearts" of intelligence in your head, you can rely on a leadership lost and tangled in tactical games which, far from building a coherent and credible progress each day toward the dam and accommodation all without a qualm.
i salamero we adhere to the statements of the leadership of the FMLN political party, would be swallowed without water, the vicious lie launched by them, trying to make us believe that the United States "have changed and evolved in its external relations" . Why this dome dare to make such statements? What is behind such a lie that neither the same right is capable of sustaining? An ass so big and so cynical no one believes anyone, let alone the hawks and foxes in the Pentagon and State Department in the U.S..
These leaders seem unaware that a position so Salamero and "enrollona" far from being respected, earns the distrust and even despise them for their compliments are addressed. True, they no longer find where to put the knees, but it is also true that some credit and some respect if they could enjoy at least a minimum position of principle. They may even benefit from a reasonable doubt. Nobody
betray a cause or betray itself can be credible. The distrust is always present, even those who are served. In ancient Rome, as a rule, the pro-consuls used to say: "Rome pays the traitors, but also despises them."
All these movements and plaintive cries of forgiveness in purgatory, are given on the eve of the visit of U.S. President, Barak Obama, the country. Is it required so much shame, so displays of appeasement and adulation? Is not a political statement reasoned enough without her necessarily confrontational or offensive to the visitor? It may be politically correct but this is a sign of appeasement vilest. But trying to hide with flattery and lies outside the invariable policy of the United States on this continent and the world, is something that does not believe anyone in the country, and she believes it's own visitors and those who accompany him them, we do know what they are!
express in unison, as they have done the members of the dome and its officials, U.S. government policy has changed, it's just a late claim to be believed and forgiven. No one or very few, with a "hearts" of intelligence in your head, you can rely on a leadership lost and tangled in tactical games which, far from building a coherent and credible progress each day toward the dam and accommodation all without a qualm.
S i foreign policy of the United States has changed, then explain how members of the FMLN leadership that the criminal embargo against Cuba to be maintained? How
FMLN leaders could justify the continued torturing even children of 15 years (Omar Khadr) in the prison of the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, even under the current administration of Barak Obama?
substantiate the harassment against the government of President Chavez and the ALBA Project? The attempted coup against President Rafael Correa, and the effective coup d'etat against the legitimate government of President Zelaya in Honduras is also another "change" for the dome?
How to explain the increase of troops in Afghanistan and the deaths of thousands of civilians, or of using Colombia as a gigantic military base?
And what about the probable invasion of Libya, on which in the final minutes of Saturday March 20, 2010, more than one hundred Tomahawk cruise missiles have been launched, imperial aggression driven by the takeover of the gas fields, oil and aquifers in the country?
These are the changes in American foreign policy that sees the FMLN leadership, welcomes and applauds? Certainly here the only "changed" they, the leaders of the FMLN. The U.S. remained invariably unchanged!
Funes and his frustrated desire to show Obama with a nice family photograph.
A three days of arrival in the country of President Barak Obama, nothing suggests that the visitor will find the much sought after "Government of National Unity," which, if properly observed, would be a corrected version and increased from the first with which Funes has tried to greet Obama. Any attempt to bring to the table for consultation with the private sector, represented in some way ARENA has met with strong opposition and conditioning it, which keeps getting more and more demanding in terms of participants in the Consultative Council.
non-participation of the other guests, although Funes was prepared after a meeting with the other three ex-presidents, took place without his presence. This second meeting of the Council, then, if you can still call and was developed with the same participants of the first and without the presence of the press, even when it was announced that those meetings would be public. In the second session, nothing has transpired to the public: it seems that passed unnoticed, and who knows if it would only be A meeting of wailing and scratching his head. It seems that this really is at stake tactical political and economic right, and a tactical game well thought out, calculated and very likely effective! We'll see the results after the visitor has left. There is no doubt that there will be private meeting between Obama and some individuals from the ANEP, or at least, you will get their demands in a document.
So far, it has become clear is that all attempts to Funes, seeking a reconciliation with ANEP and ARENA, have failed. Of all the prayers have been used for presidential speeches honeyed and mixed with pride that the ENADE do . There was a mix of interests absurd to say that "no divorce ireconciliable between workers and employers".
FMLN leaders could justify the continued torturing even children of 15 years (Omar Khadr) in the prison of the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, even under the current administration of Barak Obama?
substantiate the harassment against the government of President Chavez and the ALBA Project? The attempted coup against President Rafael Correa, and the effective coup d'etat against the legitimate government of President Zelaya in Honduras is also another "change" for the dome?
How to explain the increase of troops in Afghanistan and the deaths of thousands of civilians, or of using Colombia as a gigantic military base?
And what about the probable invasion of Libya, on which in the final minutes of Saturday March 20, 2010, more than one hundred Tomahawk cruise missiles have been launched, imperial aggression driven by the takeover of the gas fields, oil and aquifers in the country?
These are the changes in American foreign policy that sees the FMLN leadership, welcomes and applauds? Certainly here the only "changed" they, the leaders of the FMLN. The U.S. remained invariably unchanged!
Funes and his frustrated desire to show Obama with a nice family photograph.
A three days of arrival in the country of President Barak Obama, nothing suggests that the visitor will find the much sought after "Government of National Unity," which, if properly observed, would be a corrected version and increased from the first with which Funes has tried to greet Obama. Any attempt to bring to the table for consultation with the private sector, represented in some way ARENA has met with strong opposition and conditioning it, which keeps getting more and more demanding in terms of participants in the Consultative Council.
non-participation of the other guests, although Funes was prepared after a meeting with the other three ex-presidents, took place without his presence. This second meeting of the Council, then, if you can still call and was developed with the same participants of the first and without the presence of the press, even when it was announced that those meetings would be public. In the second session, nothing has transpired to the public: it seems that passed unnoticed, and who knows if it would only be A meeting of wailing and scratching his head. It seems that this really is at stake tactical political and economic right, and a tactical game well thought out, calculated and very likely effective! We'll see the results after the visitor has left. There is no doubt that there will be private meeting between Obama and some individuals from the ANEP, or at least, you will get their demands in a document.
So far, it has become clear is that all attempts to Funes, seeking a reconciliation with ANEP and ARENA, have failed. Of all the prayers have been used for presidential speeches honeyed and mixed with pride that the ENADE do . There was a mix of interests absurd to say that "no divorce ireconciliable between workers and employers".
And who has told Funes the exploited and the exploiters some days married? To say this is a total ignorance of the real conflict of Salvadoran society divided into classes. In the history of humanity has never been on an equal footing with the slave master or the servant to the Lord, nor the proletariat with the bourgeoisie. Never in these stages of human development has been a marriage between them. Al Rather, they are class differences and antagonistic and irreconcilable interests lies the genesis of the conflict.
L a single most telling part of his speech, its content, was the message to employers, who started applause. This occurred when Funes said: "There will be packages of tax, or paquetazos while the fiscal pact is not treated in the Social Economic Council." Let me tell you, let me stress once again that I have no tax increase proposed in my desktop. I have not, nor I have asked any staff, "said Funes to employers and special guests Enade 2011. Was there any reason why the powerful to not applaud?
Finally, what is Obama country?. A visit to a "partner", or inspect a property? For a lot of saliva to be spent by stating that "the deal is as equals and respect each other" as the Chancellor said Hugo Martinez, one fact is clear: this is his backyard when he is reviewing .
These veins are still open in Latin America. As Eduardo Galeano say, "they continue to bleed and waiting to be closed!".
Finally, what is Obama country?. A visit to a "partner", or inspect a property? For a lot of saliva to be spent by stating that "the deal is as equals and respect each other" as the Chancellor said Hugo Martinez, one fact is clear: this is his backyard when he is reviewing .
These veins are still open in Latin America. As Eduardo Galeano say, "they continue to bleed and waiting to be closed!".
By Salvador Arias
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