Monday, March 21, 2011

Solution Gan Dosh In Kundli

shoes pinch me

While stricken fired reactors radioactive smoke in Japan and stamped monstrous aircraft and nuclear submarines remote control launching deadly loads on Libya, a North African country in the Third World with only six million people, Barack Obama made him the Chileans a story like that I heard when I was 4 years: "The shoes pinch me, means me warm, and the kiss you gave me, it's in my heart. "
Some of his listeners were astonished at the Cultural Center in Santiago de Chile.
When President looked forward to the public after the treacherous mention Cuba, expecting a burst of applause, there was an icy silence. Behind her, ah, happy chance!, Among other Latin American flags, was exactly that of Cuba.
If turned around a second on his right shoulder would have been like a shadow, the symbol of the Revolution in its powerful rebel island country wanted, but could not destroy.
Anyone would undoubtedly extremely optimistic if you expect the people of Our America applauded the 50 anniversary of the Bay of Pigs mercenary invasion, 50 years of cruel economic blockade of a sister country, 50 years of threats and terrorist attacks that claimed thousands of lives, 50 years of projects assassination of the leaders of the historical process.
I was alluded to in his words. I paid
indeed my services to the Revolution for a long time but never evaded risks and violates constitutional principles, ideological or ethical, I regret not having had more health to keep serving it.
quit without hesitation to all my state and political positions, including that of First Secretary of the Party, when sick and never tried to exercise after the Proclamation of July 31, 2006, or when partly recovered my health more than a year later, though all that remained affectionate title form.
But I still and will remain as promised: a soldier of ideas, while I can think or breathe.
When Obama was questioned about the coup against President Salvador Allende heroic, like many others promoted by the United States, and the mysterious death of Eduardo Frei, who was assassinated by agents of the DINA, a creation of American government lost his presence of mind and began to stutter.
was certain, without doubt, the television commentary of Chile at the end of his speech, when he said that Obama had nothing to offer the hemisphere.
For my part, I will not give the impression that I feel hatred against them, much less to the American people, who recognize the contribution of many of their children to culture and science.
Obama is now ahead of a trip to El Salvador on Tuesday. There will have to invent a lot, because in that sister nation in Central America, arms and coaches received from the governments of his country, shed much blood.
I wish you safe journey and a little more sense.
Fidel Castro Ruz


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