30/09 29/09 in Torrecilla en Cameros, Sergio, the Mayor, through the mediation of Louis (already all I've heard several times) has been willing to act on Friday, or tomorrow, the new museum that just opened and have papered the town of posters with my name.
Funny all the information you can gather just to sit and listen. That I know well who is behind a bar. As I entered the breakfast bar "La Terraza" town hall girl who hits the sign of my performance and people start to comment, I think the other day Rasillo left them all with his mouth open, come on, do not believed it ... I did exaggerate the exploits. The great thing about magic, which then grows. Because the important thing is not to make games, but to create emotions. Sheila says, as has been here and we have not seen ... I love it. If you have time, do a trip like this and live exactly this moment :-) Sure, I stand and wake up with a pen, and change the "ch" I have been in the lineup for "tx" without saying a word. Creating a buzz :-) I make games to the parish that embraces world and I'm, alas, the truth is very happy :-)
in Torrecilla en Cameros begins to run out the Mt. If one comes from Logroño then he grows a joy to enfilar the final straight leading into the village and see the postal hremosa conmpone the silhouette of the pointed tower of the church cut on the wide green mountains ... But if you go to Logroño, immediately understood that the mountain begins to run out right in Torrecilla. And is that spring from the mountains crumble Peñaclara as does the sand on the beach when one leaps up on a dune, is a ravine through which the sand drags until the gorge begins to autodesplomarse about himself same. Then going to see pictures of what I mean.
Castañares came quickly to the Caves, a hamlet belonging to Viguera and in which there are many hidden treasures from the caves. It's easy to guess what two things abound in this town and the latter even more than the former. The first thing I see is the hermitage of San Esteban. Only a small sign indicating a path faded on one side of the road between two houses and have to go very slowly so as not to have fun. I park the bike and start up the trail immediately begins to disappear into pieces while climbing a steep wall of rocks that threaten to fall on to that facing you.
Rise to the hermitage of San Esteban
But the difficult access is no accident: it is to guard the miracle. I believe I can be more beautiful chapel in the world (at least for today) than in Castañares San Esteban de las Cuevas. It is the Romanesque chapel of a Christian living in a realm of refuge craggy in the hollows of the mountains. It is easy to imagine how it would live up there alone, feeling the protection of the cave and of those mountains to the outside world. There are those who might remember seeing her at the house of Luke Skywalker in the desert or the planet of the apes. Some might say that it appears built for children ... and our grandparents the early Middle Ages were but children full of fantasy to the shelter forced them from their high mountains, creating kingdoms and empires, ancient lineage that nailed its roots in the origin of the stones, dragons, Arabs, monks, warriors and roads to the west.
Ermita de San Esteban, among caves
worth spending time up there and just get by through the caves that were once populated stories. From there a beautiful view of mountains falling into the river and ravines lost in themselves. I take my pendulum to help focus the date that the site tells me, in the rickety door of the chapel write: "Something magical happens here on 15-04-2.011."
The fact is that by lowering the road I meet Mrs. Carmen, but prefers to be called Paula, like her mother, who tells me why I have not asked the keys to the shrine. Well, Txemita well. It turns out that just across the road is the "Sale of Paula" with a rather large plate indicating that live within the guardian of the keys to the chapel ... So good, I say to Carmen, Paula, is that this will have no choice but to come back ... I wonder what drives a pin in her cardigan ... tell me, between her and her son, that pin and jacket were of "Paula" and that's why they have both love both of them and always takes over. I ask that you let me see clearly the pin. Unlacing access to care. I tell him that when I go to the mountain, I always carry one in the knapsack by pure logic: if the pin is a must and I'm going with it, I can not miss. I'll take one of mine and I clipped it with his, with the pin that belonged to his mother, Paula, and I tell her that is magical to let you examine well the two captive hooked, we have three y. .. chas, are transferred without opening or breaking ... as Chinese hoops but missed ... which, besides causing a small topological impossibility, also causes a Carmen-Paula let out a "Oh, fuck" from within.
I ask about the castle that I have read that lives hidden in the rocks at the bottom of a ravine. They tell me that this castle is in a privately owned mountain ... but quickly called to Joaquin, the owner of the land and would you recommend for me to open the door of his house. Carmen, Paula gave me two fresh-picked nectarines from her garden for her husband and son and landlady very lucky I want my way with enthusiasm and ask me where famous act that way again: how easy it is to cheer someone like I was glad to Carmen and her son ... That's why when, Rodolfo, "El Correo" asks me for a photo to the review of the news in his newspaper did not hesitate to send which I did with Carmen.
Today Tuesday October 5, when I am writing on Thursday is when I learn that the news was published yesterday in The Mail. " In print, if you live in the Basque Country, Navarra, La Rioja and Miranda de Ebro you will be a bit hard to get, but here is the online edition:
http://www .elcorreo.com/alava/v/20101004/rioja/magia-cameros-20101004.html
Well, I'll see Jehoiachin I opened the door of his farm and he explains how to get what remains of the castle which was, as I said, at other times, the palace of the bishop of Calahorra. Although it tells me I am not able to find Sendilla leaving a water tank and leads to the castle and suddenly I find myself wrapped in thorns ... but as the castle is visible in the background for nothing, in line straight.
This ruined castle is carved in stone caves and takes it there. It must have been lovely to be in it when it was inhabited. Joaquín today gives even block to use as two good horses you have and I get greeted by surprise. The truth is that it seems inexplicable that something is not preserved and exhibited to the public, though it has offered Joaquín free the government of La Rioja but otherwise there is a lot like a little mystery hidden as a gift for that discovers and strikes it.
Castle rocks or Cueva de los Moros de las Cuevas Castañares
my way to Viguera while admiring several stone hills stand as kings over the landscape and garden want to be. When passing a tunnel in the rock ... I'm walking
...¡¡ with a plate of Rotary! It is true that reticular activation but it sure sounds like magic found here a plate ... To understand me I must say that I am Rotaract, young branch of Rotary International and for its continuing failure to understand here is
http : / / www.rotaryspain.org/ (or if one has a real curiosity, the page of my club
http://www.rotaractmadridserrano.com/ )
The board praises the Kingdom of Viguera: a kingdom as many others who have inhabited Spain. And being in this valley means that Spain is but all these kingdoms, dominions, jurisdictions and individuals that base to stand up to the sky and feel the greatness that is in men, probably aided by their landscapes, have had no choice but to explode and become large, lie to conquer the Extremadura and burst in the form of Spain. I often like to remember how the Basques are but parents face Castilla León. So, although I have only one grandfather Basque Vitoria, which is like having an uncle in Alcalá, I like to feel Castilian and authentic and I like to sign as Txema. But that's another trip ...
Kingdom of Viguera
Viguera and Nalda Paso, where the mountains and open plains, suddenly, an area as large as the horizon is transformed into orchards and vineyards. All you see is La Rioja, bounded only by the mountains of Alava that are clear and close, very close.
grapes, paints mostly in the vines are still loaded to the brim. I can only steal a few grains to test and complete the Carmen-Paula nectarines, the truth is that, at 15:30 pm and not eat me come in handy.
headed for Clavijo, the Covadonga this part of the world and I understand the legend to contemplate the hill rising above the vast plains and over the castle with the Cross of Santiago peaked. And it was a king of Asturias that he gave to Sancho Ramirez Tejada Solar de Tejada manor who obtained the privilege of becoming a guardian of the Camino de Santiago and the only one, because it is the celebration of the glory of the English army, survived and still survives even after the abolition of all estates in Courts of Cadiz. Lordship Cameros than that of her seat, her center, her story is fabricated in Laguna de Cameros, the Camero Viejo to where we now turn. Never ceases to amaze how nations and stories full of stories in every corner of Spain there are at least two or three. It is impossible not to love this strange country.
Castillo de Clavijo, the battle
Clavijo turns out that there is nothing open to eat. Step Albelda, and Ribafrecha Alberite to reach the Rio Leza Leza and stomp and the mouth of the same river valley has become the Camero Viejo. But there are two quarries Leza took care to cast all white road and a house where everything is painted with the colors of La Rioja (wheels, windows, garage door some dried peppers on it) ... but there is no bar or anything where to get a snack.
at 17:15
finally arrived in Cameros Soto, a town that I can not see the hunger that I have. Entered the home of retired, that is all I see open and there at last, Henry is treating me kindly and, despite the time it makes me ..."¿ a combination plate of what, for example? " "Combíname everything you have, if you're so nice," I say.
Oh, what a pleasure: two fried eggs, three slices of bacon, two filets, 4 or 5 red peppers with grace, chips and two sausages. Water, wine, cola, ice cream, coffee ... that is something else. Word that the cold gray day opens letting in a nice sun reflected in the garden near the home of retired Leza.
I buy snuff
Henry to prepare some games and tell him the first thing that comes to my head ... To record do something very complicated so that we can very effectively not see a shit what I do, but as you are people of good faith, I believe the same:-S
The Camero Viejo on Leza is the Valley a mystery that makes you want explorar.La river gorge has been excavated stratum to stratum only reveals the next corner, and then the next, and the next ... We are all curious to know where to take a path. I remember as a child always used to imagine by the places through which the roads would continue to appear in the drawings of boxes of Lego when pass this hill so green ... and in general is a vice that I have wanted to walk all paths that do not know where to lead. As Martin Hache said: "always be followed, if only for curiosity." And it's nice to realize how you know that curiosity is a living force that can be exciting and awakening to pleasure and that the more he works, the more butterflies you planting one. And it's nice to know how much joy can be felt at all times, at all times. Joe, is that it is a wonder of living and being aware of feeling things. For the same price, with living things, anything, everything, with intensity, lives a hundred times more fully and feel things that make one feel so amazing, unbelievable, or not can not believe that being alive.
by a road that has more curves than I km from Cameros Jalón, Terroba ... I stand to find a deposit of dinosaur prints that is supposed to be behind the cemetery, but I do not see anything. Asked about bricklayers and tell me they do not know, but yes I can see where a lot is on the road Cameros Plates, next to a statue of a large dinosaur. Great, because here we go.
supposed to be tonight was going to act in the bar the planer in the Rasillo, but the owner called me to tell me that Kiko's brother had to be hospitalized in Logroño, so we'll leave for another day ... On Saturday I will have to split the post into two, because I threw acting without pause from 20:30 to 4:30 on Sunday ... It is wrong to write from the future, I am with the Thursday and I want to tell and on Friday and Saturday ...
I'm eager to go to Luezas, the town of Alcalá wizard that I wrote in "The lady concerned", but they are doing road works and has become a gravel track impracticable for my bike. In
Cameros if there are some valleys and roads. Small roads and small towns that make an infinite region. The road climbs Plates is one more of so many empty roads that climb mountains, new and old at once, which separate the valley to form a new one and, well, like they do not want the thing in the middle of nowhere just a dinosaur that has escaped from a theme park. The surprise in the journey never ends.
full of dinosaur tracks and dinosaur clueless on the road rise to Hornillos
This dinosaur monitors a site's footprints were his relatives. The site "The tanners" is a very large stone plate on the side of a hill and is full of cracks painted with chalk. It is assumed that these cracks are footprints of dinosaurs and they are to those of a "never seen" somewhere else that comes of being labeled icnopoyético (which creates fingerprints) and walking with your heels, something rare in dinosaurs were hopping gait (it is also true that at that time the Earth was hotter, but it is known that as this was Rioja was with the whole foot and without beret).
striking, of course, that as a result of deposits of Enciso, all the dinosaurs come and put their feet on this side of the world for beautiful you are and however much they were all very followers of my blog ... will truth, anyway. It matters little that is a lie. The important thing is that you may feel, when he put his hand on these dinosaur tracks, there was planted a bug Jurassic when the Earth was not even no what it is and dream about it and feel everything the number of things that have ever lived on this land and feel you step ... It's like magic: I always say that the effects may be lying, but the feeling ... these are real.
A footprint icnopoiética, as can be seen, and people at the top Hornillos
back to the road that climbs through Leza and I Jalón , Cabezón de Cameros (yes, Dad: Cabezón de la Sal, five minutes ...). There jingles that parents, by the mere fact of being parents, they release automatically come to mind or not. My father, every time someone says the word stubborn, he says, literally, come to mind (which, well thought out, do not think there has ever happened) or not, "Cabezón de la Sal, five minutes, not more because they are so gross" and is so hot dog, as if he had said a universal truth. Hey, but that is a father.
finally arrived at Laguna de Cameros, where again they tell me that yes indeed there was a gap there. This town, home to the Solar de Tejada, is a gentleman because people be so hidden in the mountain.
strikes me a fountain sculpture is the one who was mayor of the town and flowing water from your hands, drinking and giving himself to the people. The village of stone mix with wood and white coats and geraniums as a good town is the birthplace of lineages.
Laguna de Cameros
In the Camero Viejo is mounted every year a festival organized each year corresponds to a different town. All these towns are well separated from any other through the hills and valleys that house. In the past this event was to be expected with joy.
As the night is taking me over, let tomorrow take the road to finish the Camero Viejo to San Andrés (Where it joins the other Camero above) and I jumped again to ram a road that crosses the barrier between the two sub-county and is neither more nor less than the Sierra de Cameros.
I walk up Wall
Cameros whose church draws my attention and although it's late, I get to see it. Stop the bike and I visit but it is closed. And there, alone, in the middle of a town in the middle of nowhere in mid-evening light after a long day and cloudy, with night to fall ... will not start the bike ... ... Again, I stress and neutral light begins to LAX telling me that the electric starter is eating the battery. The I run down the street ... and will not start ... Anyone who has ever seen the lost course know what the interior sinking feeling irrational gets one until he finally finds the way and realizes that her fear was silly. But it is not rational ... I take the key, and boy get back to why? I do not know, but the bike starts. I will do a good Catholic, to me this bike.
has already been done at night and the road full of curves and darkness swallowed the fatigue of long hours on the bike. Almarza dim light where the smell of burning wood in fireplaces and finally, in the distance and the low, relieved to see the light of a car that tells me that the N-111 has not vanished and a sandwich and half a bottle of wine bought in Villanueva and I eat after my shower in the guest house were waiting for me. It's been a pretty long day but would not change the other. Not today. Tomorrow is another day :-)
Church Wall and Almarza