" Strange is our situation of children of the Earth. We are for a short visit and do not know for what purpose, but sometimes we present . In the daily life is not necessary to think too much: we are for others. Primarily to those whose smile and well-being depends on our happiness, but also for many unknown destination which binds us sympathy.
do not believe in absolute freedom of man in a philosophical sense. We operate under external pressures and domestic needs (...)
The ideals that lighted up and filled my life has always are: kindness, beauty and truth . The life I have seemed empty without the feeling of participating in the opinions of many, not always focus on unattainable goals in art as in scientific research. The goals trivial property, outward success and luxury seemed negligible since youth.
There is a contradiction between my passion for social justice, for the achievement of social commitment, and my complete lack of need for companionship, male or human communication. I'm a real loner. never belonged entirely to State, the Fatherland, the circle of friends and family even closer. If I ever miss those circles is because the need for solitude has grown over the years (...)
My political ideal is democracy. The individual must be respected as an individual. No one should receive an idolatrous cult. (It has always seemed an irony of fate to have attracted so much admiration and respect undeserved. I understand that arise from the desire to understand the two concepts that I found with my little strength, after incessant work. But it is a concern that many not be filled.)
The mystery is the most beautiful thing is because we feel. Is the fundamental sense, the cradle of art and science. Who does not know, who can not marvel and wonder, is dead. His eyes have become extinct . This experience of mystery-even if mixed with fear, has also created religion. But true religion is to know the existence impenetrable to us, knowing that there are manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty affordable only in its most elemental to the intellect.
In that sense, and only in this, I belong to the deeply religious men. A God who rewards and punishes beings created by himself, in other words, has a will like ours, it's impossible to imagine. Nor do I want and I can not believe that the individual survives the death of the body, the weak souls feed those thoughts of fear, or a ridiculous egotism. enough for me with the mystery of the eternity of Life, with the present and building awareness of the existing prodigious, with the honest desire to understand even the smallest part of the reason we can discern in the work of nature ".
source: Albert Einstein "My vision of the world" Buenos Aires, Hyspamérica
image: http://elsofista.blogspot.com/2010/05/la-noche Star-of-iguazu.html
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