Mario Vargas Llosa: Literature Nobel Prize 2010 ...
Well, the jury had spent much of the Swedish Royal Academy to grant this prestigious award for our Peruvian writer. I must confess that I once thought that Vargas Llosa would die without receiving the Nobel, but for my personal satisfaction that has not come to pass. He has not been mean to a novelist Vargas Llosa's talent award in my humble opinion that he deserved for many years. However, the fact that it receives a full 74 years will further glory. Veteran writer will receive the grand prize on 10 December at the headquarters of the Royal Swedish Academy from the king of this country, and is equipped with around 1 million euros.
The Nobel for Vargas Llosa is not only a source of pride for Peru but for all Latin America. Vargas Llosa, a member illustrates the famous of the Latin American Boom of the 60 , with the help of other distinguished novelists like García Márquez, Cortázar and Fuentes, has finished be consecrated as one of the greatest writers and novelists of the century XX and so far this century. In terms strictly Peruvian literature, once again confirms that reading is critical that the same could be studied in two distinct stages: Peruvian literature before and after Vargas Llosa Vargas Llosa.
And it is this: never before there was a novelist with such thematic richness like him, while covering various aspects of the life of the individual, people around here and there , managed to develop both the political and social quality literature - without renouncing its first order to enable the reader to expand their horizons and understanding of the world, life, men and self-configure this art could be one of the most enlightened bastions of fighting for people's individual freedoms, and for the true and inalienable right of victims to live their lives and become masters of their fates.
remember my first reading as a teenager when, with devouring books enjoyment of books and reading every word of them was to experience a unique pleasure to be able to penetrate-through tour of passages written in a fixed lines and splendid, in the imagination of many poets, novelists and essayists who delighted those years of my life. And Vargas Llosa was there to introduce this convoluted world of relationships of power that is transferred to everyday life and structured way of thinking and acting of individuals on the street. His brilliant way to map the forked paths of relations of domination and subordination that are experienced daily in the most diverse and dissimilar development contexts of our lives I left fascinated. Uniquely exemplified by novels such as Conversation in the Cathedral, or The Feast of the Goat , giving as a hammer in the consciousness of anyone who knows the grip of a convoluted network of power which can not be released .
addition, renewal of the form itself to make novel and writing, with technical polish finished work after an ascetic and disciplined more than 50 years and their continued work documenting this award today are worth it , and one can no longer do but stand and applaud Vargas Llosa. This is understandable when one reads Pantoja and the Special Or Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter , find a fabulous entertainment through literature and genius who can write. What hedonism, where is? Vargas Llosa also made time for it and wrote Praise of the Stepmother, a reading that just fascinates and affects the sensibilities of many timid.
Without wanting wanting, the world's eyes turn to focus on our country that you can display it to countries like Colombia and Chile having a child with a Nobel in his hands. After holding this event we still want to come many more Nobel prizes in our country. Vargas Llosa has won a Nobel Prize and the Nobel laureates have won the chance to count among his people to a thinker of the Peruvian who only made it All I ever wanted to do in this life: writing.
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