Gustavo, "Restless Lady" I wrote the following comment yesterday. My answers are red.
Chema Argentina will call you. I can not understand what you mean, but when I am about to say "you and Gustavo de Mozambique" I get it:-S By the way, a salute to the Argentine friends who read us :-) has a little more logistics what have you what fits in a crowded YBR 125 all, how you manage expenses, carefully invite you, you pay for sleeping in the hospices, you carry a tent, struggle for inviting people to but I insist that I want to be remembered as the magician who one day went and left them a special memory, not the magician journal, but go, I try to pay for everything. Sagasta the inn, which is where I sleep every day I'm not invited, but almost. Make me a price of laughter. The truth is that they are suns. that this is the bike, carry spares just in case? that's girls, but it is true that almost got us two wheels, hands ... already have gladly issue Txema
Gustavo Gustavo Otero Damero restless Thanks, Gustavo ;-)
Ale, as we go. Well, before we go I'll show you a little turret on camera, that's where I'm going to act tonight.
Hospedería Sagasta
A Torrecilla en Cameros can be accessed by a good input from the national 111 and the other that runs between a cliff of stone. It has many things: ruins, churches, streets, cars, characteristic of a people, we ... and Sagasta Hospedería :-)
Sagasta was a master mason (there are occasional shield that makes the enigmatic by the people), an engineer and a few other things that came to be born at Torrecilla chair and Spain. The inn that bears his name is pretty clean, comfortable, and some, like mine, with a large terrace facing the mountain. But above all, is full of curious things: it dies and a copy of the first deck of cards that was built in Torrecilla in the eighteenth century, two doll houses ... and if you ask them to give you your card, you do a magic trick which end I hope I have helped to amplify ... so there could be no more appropriate place to stay.
In Torrecilla also have two medieval bridges, a beautiful fountain made of a stone block, a water bottling plant Peñaclara spring and a Romanesque chapel, St. Peter, stuck in a small valley about 4 km. Village and along to that in the summer months can be lucky enough to see a scout camp. Some, for example, Alcores Scout Group 404 (my group, which was there in July and I came to the news of this area :-))
But undoubtedly, the best there is in Torrecilla en Cameros and justifies a trip alone, though no one knows, is the "Road End the World. " Going back to what we talked about yesterday, we were all curious to know where we will conduct a way ... but when it reaches somewhere between fades by the people or the place you up ... you can not point to a point and say "here recently." However, if one follows the street in Torrecilla en Cameros Serradero up, will soon be in a paved road and signaled (the LR-semehaolvidadoelnúmero) that, for about 5 miles or so, runs as if to take to Nestares until, suddenly, makes a circle and ends at the edge of a cliff. So, without further. Yes, yes, Chimpún.
"End of the World Highway"
To confirm that the road is the world's end also has two landmarks that adorn it: one is a rock at the portal opening a cave that is entered where all stories begin, and another is a bank in the middle the field, looking to the valley. ;

portal of entry into the stories and bank see Mount
Villanueva de Cameros, which have already happened several times, but I stop to see if open meeting last almazuelas store (clothes made from cuts unite many fabrics, typical of the area) ... no luck. Down to see the Shrine of Our Lady of Nogales, as it should and not disappoint anyone, is surrounded by walnut trees. I am thrilled to take a couple of nuts and eat them. I get another pair to plant at home.
Shrine of Our Lady of the Nogales, ahead and behind
Cameros Villanueva has a village up the mountain, as it has a villa. Cameros Aldeanueva is as to put the story in the newspaper "El Correo" exactly the people you imagine when it gets to paint a town on paper. His stream with its bridge and its stone houses perfectly willing to leave a lantern in the foreground.
Cameros Aldeanueva
Felix The mayor and ask me if I came to photograph the people. Oh, poor, apart from the stone (see the news item published in yesterday's post), I predict the winning number in the lottery jackpot Christmas ... I'll tell you no more to take away no surprise to those who have opportunity to see me make this beautiful game of the brilliant original thinker Dani Daortiz magic (just like I do for a number with a zero between their figures :-))
Almarza comes back up to go back to the Camero Viejo Laguna up to Cameros. From there go up by a beech long, long ... that is beginning to yellow. I'm surprised that no more people above the Camero Viejo Laguna ... Ala! Imagine how cool it would be found a town ... a small town within a beech but with a few basic things: a school of magic, a magic shop, a candy store of all colors, a round house in which to make huge bonfires in the center, a store of medicines and perfumes of all herbs from the mountain, a library with carpets in which smoking may inlet pipe and tobacco and have silk gowns of all kinds ... I'm going to point the idea but hey, if someone beats me to it, you leave all the world to implement it, provided they invite me. Oh, and pool and football, do not forget.
again for the new camera just in time to return for lunch at the yacht club Rasillo.
Hey, I really am not going to committee, but is that it is a joy to come to eat here: the first Rioja potatoes, green guindillitas also as usual with all stews and second Ondarreta a sea bass. I had no idea what that was, but becomes something like a fucking. Bring a light sauce over and serve it accompanied me some potatoes with onion crisp. Homemade curd dessert with local honey ... As he left puzzled José Luis, the owner, with my wanderings through the area, I ask you a packet of sugar and pour some water in a beaker and I wonder if the lake in winter is for skating (I put then how is the effect close to what you see right):
Well and go. I ran down to where I've been to Logrono Lidia Popular TV to record an interview :-) We shot off a couple of games and then send me a camera for up to record the action in Torrecilla. Still do not know when it's going to take, but with a little luck ... well, I'll tell you in due time.
In Torrecilla, "The Slaughterhouse" showroom act, is full to overflowing. As we are waiting for people to accommodate, transformed a € 5 bill in a 20 ... Hey, and you leave one of 5 with all good will have the right to stay after the 20. Apart from that it multiplies by 10 the effect. I make some more games for the kids ... making powerful close-up magic before the show is a fantastic weapon for me. When you start your acting, and you are someone who has been able to make a pair of strange feats, so you can afford to go from less to more passing that, exactly that, what you're doing to your audience already knows understand because he has been doing a couple of nearly impossible like you do not want the thing.
Seen Sergio, the Mayor, with my art teletransmisor ... I make people sing, to strangle ... The applause are cool, but even better are the unexpected "alaa" ... I always carry at least one in the repertoire: I call them "red-bull" (because they give you "alaa") to those games that create some kind of sudden surprise and colorful when it seems that you are failing and people are off guard low but hoping that the game runs fine. If you've come to understand that you are there to serve the public and not vice versa, then there is always a small miracle is that people want everything goes well. May even lie if you pretend you're fallanado to guess a letter, communicating with them actually chose you said. If you leave small pockets of suspense, pushes people to complete. .. it is as if they wanted with all his might to do its part for the miracle to come out, to feel wonder and applaud.
Like, whenever I can, people do magic, give out cards for people to cut, mix in your hands ... each one as you want ... and yet, there is a magic separation of the cards by suit (water and oil, but with the cards shuffled and placed by the spectators, for the magicians who read me) into their own hands ... And we're growing, growing ... all together. Each is as it is and why each show is unique. We must make the audience is the show. We all like to look at the photos. And all the photos can be beautiful. Children, viewers fuckers, the smart-ass, the shameful, the protagonists, the delivered, which have a cousin magician and sympathize with you ... Everyone, absolutely everyone, is a large audience, but everyone needs something different to enjoy the show. And that is the obligation of the magician: deliver to each necessary to live a magical experience to remember fondly. And the least thought it would be so long after that it gets deeper magic because it comes even though he was disbelieved ... it must be real magic, yes. Baden-Powell said that happiness culminates in the service of others: for it is important to know that "never fails the public."
change clothes and wash before passing through the bar and the greening of the granddaughter of Louis, they transformed a few parishioners in a bitter beer Kas ... :-) The video is actually Saturday I repeat, but go
ascend to Villanueva to give me something to eat, although later in the lounge there is a dinner of women who share with me some peppers stuffed with shrimp and spinach croquettes and a dessert bartolillos hot cream fillings are truly a treat.
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