can not speak of the ingenious hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha without thinking of his faithful squire Sancho Panza and unconditional. This is one of those duets impossible not to be thought of as such in the world of literature. A bond between two characters and that is that of friendship, according to the particular nature of the relationship that binds to and fixed at the time of the letters and poetry.
The friendship between Don Quixote and Sancho will not start since both are known or less but as soon as Sancho comes to providing services to Quixote and his squire getting ready while the former has left the rest of his life and has decided to emerge as a valiant knight. Also, in this very early stage, what unites them is a relationship of consideration, profit and interest seen Quixote promises Sancho the governance of an island in exchange for accompanying him on his adventures. Sancho accepts and keeps the collection of this promise which, according to advance the development of novel and will enrich the bond between two characters, will go until we can discuss redefining a loop amical.
Indeed, including material half an agreement that must be fulfilled: there is the existence of a contract, or at least a verbal agreement that both want to honor the word. The gain is presented as a mutual mutual efforts will be undertaken. However, beyond the two will initially agreed to give more of themselves as living several episodes. Bearing in mind that exercise will play Sancho an island government is that Quixote will play a pedagogical role to serve your partner often not well govern this island would never rule. We know little sense of Don Quixote is palpable, but this does not exempt him or her incapable of Sancho able to advise on how to meet his impossible position. In this purpose is to let you know they have to serve understanding and courage to carry out a fair and productive government. Quixote Sancho deposited in a compendium of lore and tradition of government prevailing in the West. And this process of growth of Sancho is understood in a purely communicative context where dialogue prevails.
then and always with reference to the book Undoing Ángel Pérez Martínez grievances, the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice in Quixote is that we will be discussing how to "evolve" the relationship between Quixote and Sancho to speak to a amical link between them.
a) The gentleman and the peasant
.- This is the first of the deals that we know occurs in both characters. Acetate is a point based on mutual respect and the eventual provision of services that could give Sancho Alonso Quijano, not Don Quixote. It is in the second stage that will start emerging relationship just redefined. This by far is only a list of neighbors who barely know.
b) The knight and squire .-
The theme of chivalry is to set its dramatic context of interaction. Sancho manages to understand the limits and obligations in the world of chivalry and the role that assists you through Quijote, which transmits knowledge gleaned from the readings of those years of quiet as Alonso Quijano. However, Sancho will have the best cavalry school next to our crazy character.
A particular event that gives an indelible mark in this second stage of their relationship is that Sancho speak more than necessary, or just to talk. Unlike models knight-squire relationship he had read Don Quixote, Sancho overflows in speech. Has much to say despite their lack of training, the same as at no time relegated to the insanity or stubbornness. Keeping each instant respect for his master about this and it unfailingly diágolo through, beginning to reveal that the only distance that will be detached from their mounts. Furthermore, and as the treatment grows and Sancho realizes the amazing things he says and does Quixote, our friends often fail to take at face value everything he says the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance. The increasing time spent together and the closeness that exists between both and makes you see that Quixote does not always rest their judgments of value on being and reality.
c) The Master and the disciple .-
This stage of the relationship strengthens some aspects already started in the foregoing. Sancho has to require a person with knowledge and good sense advice about how to exercise the government of an island impossible. Here the primary role of Don Quixote is the pedagogue, and his desire for Sancho will never understand what make is that the link is hopelessly narrow. All distances are reduced again for the communication of both.
Among the advice that Don Quixote gives Sancho offers some interesting enough to refer now and imaginary part of the time the novel was written. Here's some advice from the soul :
- Fearing God.
- Steer gently and carefully.
- compassion the poor.
- Tell the truth.
- Be compassionate and merciful.
These and many more tips point out the differences in social conditions of the times of Cervantes. In addition we stress the many flaws of human nature and the perennial weakness that men have when you sit down to exercise the government. Similarly, inspired by a deep reading of the everyday lives of people.
d) Friends
.- At this point the initial claim the promise that once made him Quixote Sancho is definitely overlooked. Sancho is fully committed to the adventure and dangers can be found next to his master. It includes how to reach this level of proximity because, once again, the dialog always close. At any point in the novel it's been closer and closer, until such time that Alonso Quijano regain sanity and die not without being infinitely grateful for all Sancho did on his behalf to follow in the midst of insanity.
The instigator of such a reality might be was from the beginning don Quijote, who used dialogue to teach, clarify and listen. The dialogue led to the two met more and they got to be a noble affection which has been confirmed in the many times Don Quixote Sancho called "friend." However, clearly this is not enough to say that there is a link between our characters amical. This friendship has been formed thanks to advanced knowledge level with each other, understanding of foreign enajenciones and recognition of the good spirit they have.
For his part, but do not call "friend" Don Quixote "and that not considering the social gap that he is recognizing his master's company and advice given as the bravery and courage who have never ceased to characterize. Sancho has understood the discursive processes of his master and logic that signs reading of reality and people. So is coming to accept it and keep you affection.
With this novel, Cervantes presents the dynamics and movement of a relationship that remains a commutative agreement to become a deep friendship, highlighting the image of Sancho as an example of wisdom to be respected and listened to his master to Despite their crazy mistakes.
Friendship of Don Quixote and Sancho is universal and inalienable finally to be inherently unequal after thinking they were from the start only lord and squire respectively.
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