generally give little weight to these "medicines" free, but establishing a close and warm contact with another person holds great benefits for physical health and mental.
Virginia Satir, a pioneer of family therapy, often repeated: "Contact affective relations is like breathing to sustain life."
Neurologists insist that humans, like neurons, they need to be connected, and that their welfare depends on the networks of relationships that are integrated.
A tragedy of our society is the number of people who are alone or feel alone no choice. can stay connected with millions of individuals at once, but scarce real and close contact. In the age of the missing communication tools to establish relationships that connect intimately with another. Often, the family shared the same roof, but in practice they live separately, feeling isolated even in the company. Much of marital conflict is due to a disconnect between the partners. And there are people who, despite wanting to, fail to bridge the gap that keeps them away from others.
may be surprising: what more you want, in this case the emotional closeness, too afraid . Unconsciously, the impression that he seems too open runs the risk of being invaded.
By establishing contact may feel naked and vulnerable. It reveals an internal part of the personality, and there is fear of ridicule or the other use the information to control or hurt. This tendency to defend personal space is healthy, except when it becomes a barrier to connecting with others. But the risk also implies a profit.
"Your mission is not find love, but find all the barriers that have created within you not to see " (Jalal ad-din Rumi)
" The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed "(Carl G . Jung)
"I have fear to tell you who I am. Because if I tell you who I am, you might not like how I am, and that's all I have "(John Powell, musician)"
Text: Adapted from excerpts of the article by Cristina Llagostera "We need to contact" (El PaĆs 7.11.2010)
Image: http://musicinmouth.blogspot.com
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