to you ...
know very well These lines belong to you ...
At some point on the earth lay a garden, beautiful like few before seen, bringing together the most diverse kinds of flowers with soft textures in contact with the skin and smells nice, gentle and captivating . It was indeed a splendid garden. It was not only for its various flowers, the best presentation of this garden so that its greatest virtue, but also the comforting power of domestic properties (interior) of those. Really was a beautiful and good garden, and at that point of land which stretched was seen through the eyes of others as pure space which wanted to be.
One day, seeing God's beauty and goodness of the garden, decided to entrust the care of a gardener himself alone, with black eyes and then sad. This young rookie outfielder was still in his office, but you could tell he was very anxious, very carefully to improve and become more skilled. Faced with the proposition of God not hesitate for a second choice in taking over the garden and take care of it. The young gardener would no longer be alone but could only devoutly attend the splendid garden, which quickly fell in love not considering the same wonderful qualities. And so one day summer, a day 20 started its work. They were the gardener and then this beautiful garden ... Both had the opportunity to devote themselves to each other, and the experience of doing it was also beautiful.
The young gardener, who once complained of his loneliness, now accompanied with the garden for most of the hours of the days of your weeks, and was happy, but did not know at all came as if to find out later when things changed and there was no garden or gardener more star in this story. And is that some excess sensitivity caused part of the young gardener, little by little, the lost garden magnificence ... His flowers, some of them and without notice, began to fade by the weakness of the young gardener.
writer of these lines do not let unfortunate that the poor could not be more steady and confident of certain things that were essential to continue contributing to the beauty of this garden ...
happened that one day the young gardener began to doubt whether this garden was the most suitable or not for him, and was where God repeatedly to ask if the garden had given adequate care. God said yes, while he advised effort to dispel the doubts and fears, " Son, if those doubts and those fears could not stop making the garden and its flowers wither ... Could it be that you want that? "and the young gardener was leaving the presence of God thinking" I know I want, I love this garden, but sometimes I also feel that does not give me the all he has ... Should I ask for more? . "And so the young outfielder was torn between how I wanted and loved the beautiful garden and how to have those doubts and fears-unfounded-will vanish.
writer of these lines leaves no regret that the young Gardener was skeptical of the benefits it offered this garden. Young gardener until then had been unable to find the desired calm ... Some time ago he had lost his father who never finished teaching the craft of gardening, and so the young outfielder had to be learning it myself, but helped by the breath of a mother who was always at his side. The young gardener could not erase from his memory the image of a family whose members had gradually faded away from the family portrait ever met. The young outfielder had less trust in people, but not stopped in their longing for love and be loved. The splendid garden was the ideal opportunity to compensate those affected and companies no longer and gotten to know other even more special. However, overcame doubt and fear love ...
As time went on the link between the gardener and the garden, not so splendid, was worn. The garden and not shining like before, and the young gardener and not hard enough for facelift. Thus, gradually ceased to be a splendid garden and many flowers began to wilt. One day, early morning, the young gardener went to the garden, and found it completely dry, the flowers of gentle flavors and textures gentiles. Only then entered conmosiĆ³n and tried to revive her beauty, but could not.
sought good land and good flowers to replant and bring to the garden, but could not find available anywhere. Then he thought of the water: "In fact the water will do much and the flowers in my garden reborn" , but the water was not available. The young gardener even more worried. Bet because the wet element could do more than anything, and not finding cried. And crying realized that content in their own eyes was the wet element needed. So, he began to mourn and mourn together as long as all I could and give the garden, now dull, gray.
spent the night in his room, meditative and sad, very sad because I knew I could never mourn enough to remedy the drought was going through the garden. Went to bed, sleeping, crying like never before did it for another garden that has never known. His mother, who did not stay beyond his pain with him. And his friends and acquaintances told him "everything will be better, will the drought and the garden will flourish" , but that, unfortunately, never happen.
So the young outfielder returned to the presence of God to ask to intercede and give him back to the garden's beauty has always had, but God said
Son, it's late ...
The garden that once knew splendid
by the goodness and beauty of its flowers
dry now .. You can see there, gray and without any gloss.
The garden has dried up because you could not kill your doubts and fears.
I gave everything I had and more
your folly yet ended up wearing it
and now there is nothing more than flowers without color
that were once warm aromas.
To all this the young gardener said: "But Father, what I can do? ... Please give me one more chance ..." And God said seen:
Son, there are no more opportunities ...
You gave all and let go.
Now what remains is to begin to resign.
Take your things and go away as soon as possible, you
libero Care garden. This, in due time,
reborn ... And one that will take care of it
and perhaps next to the garden is forever ...
Your job is finished. You are dismissed.
And the young outfielder was not to pack their tools and leave. At the very moment he was about to leave on his site turned and looked for the last time the garden was once good and beautiful, with whom he shared the hours of days of weeks and could not hold down a few more tears : "One by one, I can watch it fall, at every moment, one by one ", said the young gardener. " Goodbye garden someday ... " and instant his voice broke and can not say anything more.
Young Gardener started out again and started walking, and gradually moving away from that point of land on which lay the garden, which once was splendid as two black eyes, fixed gaze contemplating the young gardener, who also have it was beautiful, a beautiful love ... A love that garden ... Yes, in the midst of confusion, love the garden ...
The moral in all this:
making roses while you can because tomorrow might not be for you ...
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