} "Tips to be Happy"
the tradition of decalogues, so we encourage reflection, we propose the suggestions for a new year as proposed by the philosopher Adela Cortina:
1. Remember that adverse events only destroy the already demoralized. Do not allow yourself to lower their morale.
2. Remember that there are reasons to have high morale, but a long way to go, has raised awareness of the injustices, corruption, discrimination and intolerance are inhuman. Help keep the bar high and raise it.
3. In overwhelming situations always looking for imaginative output, widens the field of view, not get caught in moth-eaten solutions. The human creative potential is enormous as long as it runs.
4. No blame for everything wrong in the system, politicians, to bad weather. Requires that each fulfills its task, but you take the initiative, because you are a citizen and not a subject.
5. Ever you become a vassal because you are something quite valuable. Do not ever sell it for a dish of lentils, as this not only lowers you to your dignity, but in these cases the lentils just feel bad.
6. Support those with generous plans, not petty. The meanness is contagious generosity as well.
7. Never think that your contribution is irrelevant: the field mice move better than the big monsters.
8. Adapt to changes, but taking it as a compass for your beliefs either founded. Dinosaurs do not resist change, but no chameleons north. Between them is the human being.
9. Be ready to claim your rights, but also to assume your responsibilities in building a more humane world. Never be claimed for you the satisfaction of a right that you are willing also to lay claim to any person who is under the same conditions, do not abdicate your responsibility in protecting those rights.
10. Never retreat in demands for justice, nor will wrinkle to charity projects, or you settle for less than happiness.
Source: ADELA CORTINA, Suggestions for a new year. Text taken from: XTEC: Catalunya Xarxa educational telematics http://www.xtec.cat
Image: internet, author unknown
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