Who among us, as a child, has not waited for midnight on 24 December to celebrate Christmas with family and receive and open gifts? This practice, as we grow, change. Change in the sense that it is not the gifts that we expect to receive. Once we mature and become more aware that Christmas is infinitely more than the materialistic and consumer side began to want more meaningful things, more noble and important than toys, clothing, appliances or anything else.
Christmas then takes in our lives the real importance as the only occasion deserves: to reflect on what we want for ours, so they change and become more stable, peaceful and happy. So, ask the destination to life, God grant us health, work, love and friendship. That we do not lack interest in life and take on the challenges that it never fails to introduce. We raised a prayer to the sky waiting to be heard, and that with the new year that is entered only a week after the quality of our lives better. Christmas is the time to review what we did, what we did, we would have wanted to do and not, and through that reflection comes the desire to update a personal commitment that will lead us to feel more satisfied with ourselves, with people, with the world and life.
Christmas is important that we touch, and when it does is that we renew this commitment. One of the saddest things that can happen is that Christmas comes, but we do not get to Christmas, which is December, 25, and we can not join the joy of celebrating an unprecedented opportunity throughout the year. Suggests a date in the path of life you want to do for the next 365 days. The really sad thing is they accept the invitation to think and to delineate the path of our desires, feelings and expectations next year. This is Christmas! and no chance to receive gifts. Gifts, material, comes in addition. Without thinking we receive, and perhaps well before December. Gifts of various kinds ... For example, gifts and friends ...
Personally, I wish that it ends in 2010 because there has been a good year for me. Has been more difficult than many others already lived, and have taken account of this in the many times I've cried for me, others had to do with me, not knowing where my life is geared ... The feeling that there is no exit, suffocating anxiety and indecision are the worst moods I could prove ... However, during these 12 months I have not been alone, and today I want to thank the people who were with me when more lonely and melancholy I felt, my friends.
I have often thought that I have not, perhaps because they see them as often as you like, perhaps because it can not be seen as I wanted because they also have a life that occupy them. Whether for whatever reason, sometimes I have gained friends think they are part-time or who sincerely are not my friends. But I have realized that this definitely was not the case when one of them spontaneously, has approached me and comforted me, and I have heard and given a word of encouragement to keep going. Wonderful to see that he was not alone!
So, I want to thank each of them having been with me when I needed it, and let me mourn when necessary and control my tears until it cease when no longer useful.
Chiara Ceccon : a nice Italian girl, my "boss" until October of this year that came to my days in a way that would not have imagined before. Chiara is unique in the way they are involved in my problems, by the light infused into my eyes to make me see that there is more than one way so I can walk to reach to happiness.
remember a Wednesday morning in September, in his office, wondering how I was and I immediately putting to mourn. I sat on his lap, hugged me, kissed me and told me everything would be fine. Why did not love her for being the friend who has known to be for me? How can we not thank the thousands of minutes to speak to me and gave me my bearings, and physical proximity to make me feel alone?
Gisella Consiglieri : started working with me since March and a few weeks get to lock a good relationship. Gisella is a bit like the sister who does not I and the insurance that would be discussed by anything, to finish friendly as ever. Is that something like this is our day to day in the office.
is a girl empathic, assertive, intelligent and generous. I keep it with great affection for those times when I said what about heart ? and handed me a glass of water to calm. Gisella is a great girl, but I can repeat it many times because I do not want to be smoke rise.
Victor Julca : the popular Vieto at work, a nickname that he owes to me. A friend in every sense of the word. Witty, caring, somewhat tedious and heavy with his jokes, but a good friend. Victor is a friend who always accepted me as I am, also with my unbridled taste for opera that tries to deny me when we drive through the city.
Victor and I think my mind is the memory of one afternoon returning both of Villa El Salvador, I listen to Bocelli, concealing a crybaby and he contest for the hair and telling me my black but, no! and listening and encouraging me not to grieve. He, Gisella and I integrated the formula called Don Vieto and his gang at work. A formula without losing!
Carlos Zelaya : one of the most conspicuous and refined than you have known in 2010. Carlos is my PhD. Z . A friend who I had in front of me for hours, listening to what I said, advising and supporting me. Many conversations! ... I'm not saying that we are gathered around a coffee because I'm not very friendly but with coffee ice cream center, a juice or something else and so talking at length, for hours.
Once, one of the first, it was August and between midnight and 2 am on Larcomar, and the sea below us. I admire him silly conversations, complicity for gossip and his hatred of what is not good aesthetics. What a laugh mate with PhD. Z, who also had the ingenuity to give me a name ad hoc to our friendship, Mr. Crowned .
Hugo Sánchez : Hughie for his friends, his sense of humor corrosive and red chair which has seen thousands of kids in love. Hughie could consider renting the red chair from his place of work because we are so many of us who have sat on it accompanied by a love. Hugo, a hard worker, detail oriented and committed to making known to show me their friendship forever, regardless of whether with his kindness and his advice for the Facebook chat.
"Hughie, you remember a Monday night Sept. I went to see you and tell you would give to Epicentre-so-little volunteer my time to support their activities? Then I wondered how would my stuff, I cried and I sat beside me telling me he was going to be able to smile because everything would be fixed. You have won a good place in my romantic heart, man!
Miguel Chirre : the friend with whom I can speak Italian so that others do not understand us, something I appreciate him because he does I've always perfect accomplice searched. Miguel-o Michele as I often say in Italian, or as he likes to say-is a practical guy who invited me not to complicate my life and put points on the axes. Michael is not the guys that I will say that I cried. By contrast, revives me to leave behind the painful and enjoy life.
The topic of Horace Carpe Diem is the premise of life, although I do not know and neither Horace Carpe Diem . But this does not matter to me, Mike is a good friend, a friend who found this 2010 and I want to keep me because I appreciate your time, your empathy and freshness. Grazie di esserci , Michel mine expensive.
do not know if I mentioned these guys get to read this post. I do not think that today I have devoted some lines, which definitely did not get to thank all the time and words that have given me. Nor do I tell them to thank me. I want to share with other people on welfare that makes me know that I have these great friends, crazy and mad some more than others-like me-finals and are my friends.
Merry Christmas ...
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